Friday, September 19, 2008

Our Week.

This week has been busy for us. Brian was very busy with homework and a few meetings. He's been staying up until after midnight to get homework done for the past three days. I've been sick this entire week with a sinus infection and I'm finally getting over it. This morning I was coughing so hard and my stomach was a little qweezy. So after coughing hard enough I finally threw up and I hate the throwing up feeling of not being able to breath. Yuck.
Well, anyway this week with my new job at The Guesthouse has been great so far. My general manager has been great so far and I think her and I will get along nicely. I enjoy working with her and she's fun to visit with. We had a manager meeting with the other dept. managers on thursday. My gm mentioned in the meeting that she doesn't want anyone that works here from now on to be related to anyone or friends of anyone. I had tears in my eyes. I was thinking, "Thank you, at least someone has some sense around here." It was great.
Brian and I have the weekend off together and I don't remember the last time we had a weekend off together. We don't know what to do with ourselves! I think we might go to a movie tonight or just stay home to relax. We'll see, relaxing sounds nice and I have so much cleaning to catch up on after being sick. Now I get to be sick of cleaning. It never ends huh?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad you love this job Kelly! This place sounds so much better than the other one. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well this week though. That can't be very fun at all :-( By the way, you'll notice I've appeared out of nowhere. It is because I somehow lost the link to your blog, but mom gave it to me again and I can keep up with you guys again. Yeah!