Thursday, September 4, 2008

So many choices.

I'm already getting excited to start picking out names for baby! I have more girl names that I like than boys but I think we want to know the sex of the baby when we can. Otherwise it's just going to be difficult between all the names we both like. Here's what we have so far. :-)






Stacy said...

Finding out the sex of the baby? You are no fun!

Heidi is such a cute name. I also like it because I know a Heidi and she is so funny and super nice. Have you thought of any names that one of you turned down because you knew or know someone with that name and you don't partically care for that person?

Stacy said...

You should put Stacy on the list. That would work for either sex then you're covered either way.

Heidi's Corner said...

Yep, we have ran into some names that we don't like because we knew someone with that name and yes we didn't like them. I want to know the sex of the baby because we are already fighting over names, otherwise the baby won't have a name for awhile. But, I think I might have everyone else wait and just stick to neutral colors to keep everyone guessing. We'll see.

Laurie said...

Laurie works either way too :P I've always liked the name emily. Every Emily I've ever met has been so sweet :)

Meredith said...

If its a boy you could name him Isadore, & he would already be famous!! Who knows where it could end if uncle Issy gets elected to the house. President Isadore?? All he has to do is to introduce himself to the 5 or ten people in this country that he still hasn't met!!! Also since Isadore is a bachelor, you would be keeping his heretege alive for future generations!!
No pressure just food for thought!!
Grandpa Joe