Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ugh, more shopping.

After getting my new job, I looked in my closet and noticed that, "Wow, I really have some old stuff in here and, I guess I still could wear some of this." Brian told me to go shopping today since I had the day off of work. He said "Go get what you need and have fun." I think I should have been really happy that my husband just told me to go spend money on myself and to have fun while doing it, but the truth is, I don't like shopping. So, he knows I probably won't spend a lot of money. So he's safe that I'm not a Carrie Bradshaw with a love shoes and just wanting to shop to feel a void of a bad day.
After shopping for about 3 hours which is a new record for me, I found some good deals at Tj Max and Ross (another tj max type store), and Target. I even found a pair of dress pants at TJ Max that are just long enough and they were from the Limited and only $16! Wow, what a find for me! I was so excited.
As soon as I arrived home, I told Brian that we need to top off my night by useing the gift card mom & dad gave us for the Olive Garden. I really wanted some Tiramasu. I remember talking to my doctor about any tips on what to start eating and she said Fish is really good for you and baby but only once a week. I gasped because I'm not much of any type of a seafood lover, but once a week I may be able to handle. As we were eating our soup and salad before the main meal, I think my eyes looked hazy or I looked a little pale because Brian asked "Are you o.k?" I said I feel nauses or light headed. Being the sweet guy he is, he immediatly scanned the restaraunt for the bathroom just in case I needed to make a break for it. I remember this has happened before and I was just eating to fast (but it was sooo good) to take it all in at once, so I slowed it down and everything went away slowly. Thank goodness it went away because I was a little excited to try my main meal which was some fish I ordered called Talapia. I really liked it, and the meal was just right and not too filling like the pasta meals I usually get there. I really recommend it if anyone goes there soon. Very good. Since the fish wasn't really filling, then I did get my Tiramasu. :-D
After our meal and our bill arrived, I told Brian that I had a neat tip to give our friendly waitress. I told him that I remember growing up, my dad giving our waiters or waitress a $2.00 bill(with the rest of the tip, if needed) when we went out to eat because we really don't see them often. I always thought that was neat and I recently came upon a $2.00 bill the other day. I thought I would give it to her being my day and night was so fun and she was so nice and the service was excellent.
As we left, and stopped at a intersection to turn right onto a main street, we felt a hard bang! Great, someone just rear ended us. The poor girl who hit our car was freaking out and kept saying "I'm so sorry." There was no or very little damage, all we had on our bumper is some small paint smudges from her license plate which you can hardly see at all. It's just some dark blue on our black bumper. No big deal really, nothing cracked or broken and everyone is fine. We told the poor shook up girl, who looked like she just ended her shift at the restaraunt, it's ok and all we need is some touch up paint and no worries. I just told her she's lucky that it could have been worse and she ran into us and not someone really up tight about their vehicle. Things happen and it wasn't worth reporting or replacing a bumper over a scuff.
So where did this Karma come from to deserve to get rear ended? Did I take to much joy or happiness that I found so many deals today and found things that actually fit right? Next time I find more deals and I love what I found, I'll remember to stay home.

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