Thursday, September 4, 2008

Due Date

Today I found out our due date for the little one. The Doctor says our date should be April 14th. So, now it's getting more and more exciting! Also, everything is going fine and baby is fine.
I also found out today I got the job at the Guesthouse Inn & Suites as the Director of Sales and Marketing. I'm a little nervous about it but it's a nice step up and a great change from the crazy Super 8! I work tommorow and I can't wait to tell her that I quit! It's going to be a huge weight off of my shoulders I think. Awwww. Nice.


Stacy said...

Lots of exciting news! When is your next appointment?

Laurie said...

Congratulations on the job!!! I also can't wait until April!!

Jennifer said...

AWESOME!!! Director? Wow! You are movin up!

I hope you told the "Old Hag" to stick it :)

I want to hear the story!