Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sweet little sounds

Today I had my second doctor's appointment and everything went very well. All my blood work is perfect and baby is doing well. Brian almost made it through the appointment because I thought he might want to be there if there's another ultra sound. He made it into the waiting room full of women, some pregnant and some maybe not. He quietly wispered in my ear if I really needed him there and I said no, he can go but I thought he might want to stay. But that's ok, poor guy was so uncomfortable and he had lots of homework due tommarow. So I released him of the burden. Ha ha! Today I did get to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time and it sounded so fast but so sweet and wonderful. What a joyus feeling knowing baby's heartbeat is strong and healthy and all is well. I also asked my doctor, how exactly far along am I? And she said I am at 12 weeks.


Stacy said...

It kind of freaked me out when I heard the heartbeat the first time. I didn't know babies had such fast heart beats. I'm glad everything is going well.

Do you have your ultrasound at your next appt? I can't remember at how many weeks that it is done at.

Meredith said...

Brought tears to my eyes. What a miracle! Thank you for sharing. Too bad Brian didn't stick around. Maybe next time. Love Mom

Laurie said...

I can't wait until Brian is in the delivery room :P

Happy to hear everything is going well :)