Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day-Always smiling. :)

For Father's Day we didn't do much of anything. Heidi and I took daddy out to eat. Went to a restaurant called Jaker's Grill & Bar. It's a nice fancy place to treat daddy. The restaurant was also offering 2 for 1 drinks.

Daddy had a good time in Atlanta for his business trip. He met a few people and was able to see some old friends from Wisconsin that came to the ANS trip. He brought back a peach colored bear for Heidi, that says "Georgia" on it and a has a peach on it.
Heidi has been doing well. She's so active during the day and she's smiling so much now. It looks like she always wants to try laugh or say something. She's having so much fun with tummy time and she does lots of babbling.


Laurie said...

Cute cute cute!

Meredith said...

I love her smiles. She sure is bright!