Sunday, July 5, 2009

My First 4th of July.

Fireworks from the hotel window.

Heidi's first 4th of July was fun. I had to work most of the morning to mid afternoon but I was able to enjoy a nice walk with everyone along the falls to take advantage of the food vendors, later in the day. I was able to get a hotel room at my hotel for the night so our friends could come over to enjoy the view. The fireworks take off just a few feet from the end of the hotel parking lot. So, we are just right under the fireworks to watch. What a view! During the day, before the fireworks show, the hotel's restaurant had a big BBQ and a live band most of the day. It was a great evening to just relax and not worry about anything else. I was working all week without a day off and then working on saturday also; this week was a very long week for me. The weather was perfect all day and Heidi did so well. I think she enjoyed getting outside all day for some fresh air. Although, when the fireworks started, she got scared because they were so loud. Her eyes were so big and she started to cry. So I packed her up and brought inside. She was crying the on the way back into the hotel. By the time I got her rested on the bed, she was happy and trying to giggle again. I started to feed her another bottle and we sat in a recliner while watching the fireworks from our room. It was still nice. Today she is a little fussy though, because she slept so much yesturday walking around and I think it too long of a day and night for her. But, it was fun and relaxing for everyone.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Nice pictures! Glad you had a good fourth!