Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back to work.

I can't believe my 6 weeks of maternity leave is over! It's been wonderful having that time off of work and now it's really hard to go back to work.

We had so much fun being home and it was a great feeling to have as many people for Heidi to meet and I can't wait to go back home again. I think Heidi is still trying to get into a routine becuase she's been getting her nights mixed up often and it's been hard for her. We are getting better and she still sleeps well. She's actually almost sleeping through the nights now. It's really weird to have her sleep so long sometimes. I still wake up wondering if Brian has her or to make sure she's ok.

Heidi is loving her baths now and I think her favorite part is when she gets wrapped up in her Kitty towel. I had wrapped up in the kitty towel yesturday morning and then put a new outfit on her while she was playing with a corner of the towel; I picked her up and then she started to cry. I put her back down and wrapped her up and she made the funniest babble sound. I picked her up with kitty towel and she was sound asleep. I think she has a 'pal' already. She will get mad if I take off that towel sometimes. I think she loves the feel of it and it's so warm and comfortable. It's really cute, so next time I will get in on video to post.

Well, now that we are back to work, it's been tough to get our schedules in order and it's been getting really stressful for me. I am so busy at work and my boss expects me to there all of this week including this weekend. I had to work last night until 11pm and then I was up with Heidi until 4am. I had to be into work in the morning and that didn't happen. I called work and said don't expect me in before noon. Ha ha! I really didn't care at this point if they were mad or not. It's really hard to get back into it at work, it's like starting all over again and I was thrown onto a night shift with no help and a sold out hotel. I was not happy. But I told Brian that if he helps me out this week to watch Heidi as much as he can so I can be at work to get caught up and get things done, then he can go to Beerfest this weekend with the guys. (he's excited, because he forgot about it.) Brian wants me to go but the thought of beer doesn't appeal to me that much anymore after 9 months without beer, wine, and caffiene. It just doesn't sound fun.

Brian and I are still looking for someone to help watch Heidi for a few hours during the week while we are work. I have alot of reply's about the position but mostly daycare's and mom's with 3-5 kids they watch. This is NOT what I want. I am looking for someone more specific. I want one on one attention to our little girl and someone who can just give her love all day. I then recieved and email from a lady who wanted me to call her mom. Her mother watches her 4 year old son and would love to watch heidi also. Her son will be going to school soon, so it would just be Heidi later on that she would be watching. Wow, this is who I need, a grandma. I have been so hesitant to call people all week, because of my fear of someone I just don't know personally. I finally convinced myself to just pick up the phone and call her already! I talked to her today and she sounds so nice. Her name is Pam and we will meet her this weekend. Pam has done foster care before, besides their biological kids and now she is watching her daughter's son during the day while her daughter is going back to school. I can't wait to meet her and we will meet with her a few times to get to know her and so Heidi can get to know some new surroundings. I thought Brian would be more protective of her, but I find myself being over protective and I think I sometimes annoy the daddy. I think Heidi is going to be a very spoiled baby.

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