Saturday, June 13, 2009

Celebrating Daddy's Birthday.

Heidi wanted to stay in her Kitty Towel. She was mad when I took her out.
Always smiling now.
Looking at daddy while playing with her Tiger.
Helping daddy open his gifts.

We celebrated Brian's birthday on Saturday since he will be leaving for Atlanta for a few days for work. We are going to miss him while he's gone (especially mommy). It's going to be tough while he's gone with work. We are both going to be so tired but we'll make it through. We just expect a nice souveniour when he gets back. :)

Today we had some friends over for the afternoon for a BBQ. I made kabobs, corn on the cob, banana cream cheesecake pie, and some fruit. It was a nice afternoon to visit and the kabobs were so good. I marinated the beef overnight with KC Masterpiece Mesquite and then the chicken kabobs with the Tastefully Simple Sweet & Sassy Sangria. Ooohh were they good and they all went fast!

Heidi has been so funny lately. She's quite the active little one. She hardly wants to sleep all day and she gets so cranky because she's so tired but she just wants to stay awake to look around. She loves looking at ceiling fans. I had the fan on the other day and she looked like she was in a transe. When I turned the ceiling fan off she giggled so loud and had the biggest smile. She looked around at other objects she could find and then when I turned the fan back on, she looked up and didn't move. She just loves it. It's almost a game with her. It's so cute.

Heidi is doing a little better each day when she's at the sitter's house. She had to go for a car ride with Pam to her foster daughter's appointment last thursday. Pam said she did great and when they stopped at Taco Bell for lunch, she started to fuss, but then pam's grandson, Tyler, kept telling Heidi "oh little one, it's ok, you're to cute to cry." Tyler adores Heidi and he's always talking to her and wants to see her when I walk in the door each morning. Pam said Tyler kept telling her to get Heidi when she would just move a little while sleeping or make a little noise when she's getting comfortable because he thought she was upset. Tyler kept telling pam "she needs you grandma, she needs you. She's not happy." It's so cute.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

The picture with her in the kitty towel is so cute.

Happy Birthday Brian!