Thursday, March 4, 2010

Standing all by myself.

Today, Heidi and I had such a fun day. When we woke up this morning we had a nice breakfast and then off to the mall right away. I was just thinking of getting a few things and then get right back home and hoping the mall opened at 9am. But when we arrived in the mall, all we saw were mall walkers and all the stores didn't open until 10am. Oh well. I thought it would be nice to join in and Heidi loves to get out of her stroller and not be strapped in, so car rides are sometimes a nightmare. I figured since she wanted out, and the mall only has a few people here and there, why not? She loves to push her stroller and loves to stop to gaze at the kids and other mall walkers and wave as they pass by. What a social butterfly. She had so much room to walk in the mall without running into things and getting stuck, like at home when she's walking with her car and bumps into the couch, chair, wall or coffe table. She was enjoying the long walk and I think it will help her more to get her walking by herself. I think she needs to get some muscle going in those legs to hold herself up. And speaking of holding herself up. Later in the evening, she was holding onto our stereo shelf in the living room as usual and adjusting the buttons on daddy's sound system. The shelves are perfectly lined up with her height so she can get up and hold onto. As I was sitting across from her, I asked to "come to mommy." It took a few trys, but she eventually let go and was standing alone! I couldn't believe it. What a sight. It only lasted a few seconds but it seemed longer because I was so excited! So maybe another trip to the mall?