Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chicken Soup for the Mother of PreSchooler's Soul.

I remember getting this book with some other items just before Heidi was born and I found it the other night. I finally picked it up and started to read it. It's a great book to ease my mind from everday chores. There are some good story's and a it's a fun read before bed. Some of the favorite "You might be a mommy if......"

"Sleeping in" is when the clock reads 6:30 a.m.
You never go anywhere without baby wipes.
Your children are better dressed than you.
Excitment means Pampers are on sale.
You can tell what your daughter had for breakfast, lunch and dinner by looking at the front of her shirt.
Every shirt you own has spit up on the shoulder.
You willingly hug and kiss a kid who has sticky fingers, sweat-drenched hair and a milk mustache.
If you were trapped for days in your car, you could survive on the Cheerios and french fries on your floor boards.
Hearing the words "I'm done," from the bathroom sends chills up your spine.
You can change from lounging-sweats casual to night-on-the-town glamorous in three in a half minutes.
You go to bed at 12:30am and get up at 5:00 a.m., thankful for the extra sleep.
You're overworked, overcommitted, and underappreciated-and you wouldn't trade your life for anything in the world.

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