Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Heidi's t.v debute.

Turn the volume up-it's a little quiet.

I sent in Heidi's picture to a local newstation and they had put her on the morning news broadcast. They have a segment called "Baby Faces" and they feature a new baby each weekday. It's a short little moment but it was still fun to see heidi on t.v. I had so many pictures of Heidi that were so adorable and I couldn't decide. I even asked Brian for help and he couldn't decide either. So I decided to go with the one of her in the peddle airplane. I thought, who see's kids in pedal cars anymore? I thought that would be a good one. Even the newscaster thought it was a "cool" toy.

Heidi was also in the newspaper on sunday for the "Born in 2009" section. It was fun to have and a little momento for her later on. Also another hard choice of what picture to use.

Heidi and I are having so much fun at home. It's fun to make up new games and to watch her try to walk. Last night she took two steps to me and she is loving it! She is trying so hard and she just keeps on going and going. Her new thing she loves to giggle at is when I ask her what the birds say, and when I say "Tweet, tweet" she giggles so hard. Heidi also loves her puppy stuffed animal. She drags that puppy everywhere! She was chasing the cat around the kitchen dragging the puppy along with. I wish I would had video of it. For some reason the cat and heidi kept going around the kitchen in circles and I couldn't stop laughing. Heidi and the puppy were chaseing victoria at the same time.

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