Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Fever.

I can stand by myself!

On our walk the ducks came right up to us which Heidi loved.

Today I decided that Heidi and I needed to get some fresh air. Especially while Heidi was sleeping and I was cleaning the house and noticed the outside temperature was reading near 60 degrees. So I packed some things and was ready as soon as Heidi woke up from her nap. I am loving the few nice days we are getting and I will take full advantage of them if I can. I wasn't sure of what to do since our zoo doesn't open until the weekend of Heidi's party.
Heidi and I went to the local animal shelter to walk a few puppy's and we had alot of fun. Heidi has only seen her stuffed animal's and a few neighborhood dogs run by but has never had one up close. I decided to take out a cute little lab/dachshund mix pup and we also took out a German Shepard puppy that was only 4 months old. Oooooh sooo cute! I love German Shepard puppy's with their floppy ears! My heart melted but I knew I couldn't take either one home. Oh well, I got my puppy fix for the week or maybe just a day. :(
After about 30-40 minutes at the animal shelter, we ventured to the river to feed to the ducks and geese since mommy actually remembered to take some bread with this time. I even bought some white bread loaves just for the river outings we take. Heidi had so much fun trying to give the geese some bread. I would say "here, goose, goose, goose." And then I would see Heidi hold her arm out with some bread in hand and she would be talking to the geese also. It was so adorable. After we ran out of bread, we strolled along the falls to see kids play and people walking their dogs. Heidi of course was waving to everyone and when someone would stop to say back to her, she would wave and "talk" to their dog if they had one along with them. She had such a busy afternoon but it was so nice to get out the house and show her things outside and let her express herself some more. She loved it and I hope this weekend is nice so we can go out again and I can get some more exercise.


Meredith said...

What a wonderful time. I would have thought she would have 'screamed' the geese away, apparently Heidi isn't the only child that screams in delight at things!

Jennifer said...

Sounds like lots of fun!