Monday, February 8, 2010

Sooo big!

Victoria is out from a tough day of being chased and her tail being pulled.
For auntie stacy, "I can fit in my twins outfit."
Mommy found some fishies. Heidi takes them everywhere. You'll see her with them in more photos.
Yep, more fishies.
Taking the car for a ride with a passenger.
Leave a sock laying around? Heidi will take it and walk around with it in her mouth.f
More Cruisin'.
"I see you!"
Bath time and Heidi loves to stand and try to walk in the tub.
"Peek A Boo!"
Another photo with a fish. I think the fish is attacking the train?
Just Cute.
Shirt from Park City. On the front it has a Mallard and says " I'm deDUCKible." Our lil tax day baby.
"So what do you think?"
Vikings outfit.
Soooo ticklish!
"Tickle me, I dare you. What you don't know is that I just pooped my pants and you're gonna get it good."
"aaaaah, daddy farted, run for the hills!"
"So when is your bedtime?"

So here is Heidi and her being the sock junkie she is. Apparently she thinks she's a puppy? Fetch heidi, fetch. What a character!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Such cute pictures. Isn't it fun once they start moving around?