Monday, February 8, 2010

Always busy.

Sooo happy.
"You first!"

Heidi likes to think she's a puppy and carry's things in her mouth.

Beautiful smile.
"do you see what I see?"
Heidi loves to bunch up her blankets in the corner and sleep on them.

Taking my new car for a ride!

I can't believe how time flys and I know it's been awhile since I have posted anything. Heidi is sure keeping us on our toes! Heidi's first Christmas was so much fun. She got to play with her cousins alot and everyone wanted to hug and kiss her. In fact, she was getting tossed around so much one day, she even threw up on Grandpa Seeberg, and then threw up on mommy three times! Poor sweetheart. So much to do and so many people to see in so little time.

I don't know if I will post Christmas pictures because there are so many to choose from. So I better get to recent pictures. January was a pretty good month for Heidi. Right after christmas we have been so busy with work and other things around the house. Seems like we never did get a break and it's been run, run, run. Once we finally did get back into a routine, life is back to normal. Or so we thought. The last week of January, Heidi became really sick and the doctor diagnosed her with RSV and a nasty ear infection all at the same time. So she was quite miserable. Doctor's order's were for her to stay home and not to go anywhere for at least a week. Then her body can back to normal and she can rest more at home. Plus she was a walking virus to all other kids, so Heidi was house bound. However sick heidi felt, she was such a happy little girl. She would still want to chase the cat and play all over the house but then she would feel miserable and finally slow down. I tried so many times to keep her from over exerting herself, but she didn't know what she wanted and why she was feeling this way, she just wanted her toys and that cat!

Anyway, after the week had passed, she was feeling pretty good but it took about another week until we noticed her 100% better. Her cough was sticking around for awhile. So now that Heidi is better we can now get back to a schedule, right?
Feburary has come and daddy and mommy started talking. We are having so much fun with Heidi that we decided that it would be best for me to stay home full time with Heidi. Mommy and daddy have been really stressed with two full time jobs and all the stuff at home isn't getting done. With daddy's new job, I can stay home and hang out with heidi and work at home. The best job in the world!! Plus our sitter who we love so much, is moving back to Montana this month and we are absolutly heart broken to see her go. We will miss her so much. I'm sure we will still keep in touch, because heidi just loves her so much.

I have so many plans after I am done this month with work. I am putting a picture book together for Heidi's first year and will have pictures from birth to one year. Then have it at her birthday for everyone to sign. It will be a nice piece of memory for her later. I also am making a lot of homemade decorations for her birthday party. They will look so adorable! Her theme will be a Cupcake theme because she's our lil cupcake. I'm finding so many cupcake items and I can't stop. Poor brian. I may be out of control. But she only turns 1 once! :)

On top the cupcakes, I think I will put some minitures duckies. She loves her lil rubber ducky toys that grandma gross gets her and it would also fit perfect since it was her baby shower theme also. I also have some other crafty projects in mind to do around the house and I can't wait. My mind is going bonkers with excitment.

I'm thinking heidi will be very close to walking by next month. She is so determined to get it. She walks with her convertible car and is everywhere with it. If she falls forward, she doesn't get mad, she just gets up and trys again. What a trooper. Here are some up dated pictures of our lil sweetheart who is growing up way to fast!

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