Saturday, February 13, 2010

Having fun today with mommy & daddy.

Thank you grandpa & grandma Gross for my new bathtoys!
Helping daddy fix the car toy grandpa & grandma seeberg got. Heidi played with it so much and banged it around on the table so hard, a wire knocked loose! We thought the batteries just needed to be changed. Oh well, daddy had fun taking it apart and to fix it.
Reading a book and heidi loves to turn the pages in her books. Don't dare do it for her, or she may get mad.
Heidi's book serves another purpose also. I guess heidi can't wait to be taller!
Working in her kitchen.
Oooooh, I love to be tickled!
"I love my bear to hug and crawl on!"

Heidi is so much more fun each day and I love to be home with her. We are going to have a good time and she's already fussy that she won't go to bed because mommy & daddy are home and she just wants to play. Heidi is really trying to say kitty and daddy. We hear her say those two but it's still a little hard to make out. Kitty sounds more like "itty" and daddy is mumbled a bit. I think her very first word will be kitty. Heidi is having a fun time learning how to walk. She's still walking with her car and loves to wave hello and goodbye. She's also learning how to use her lungs. Oh boy is she a screamer! She loves to yell and scream in the tub and she is now a non stop talker. She especially likes to talk around the dinner table. It's so much fun to see her trying to talk, as if she's telling a story. It's the cutest thing ever.

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