Sunday, February 28, 2010

Always finding something to do.

Found the recipe cards!
Heidi helping mommy organize the recipe cards.

Peek A Boo!

Out Shopping and being silly.

So many Heidi's at T.J Max.
Daddy and Heidi taking a look at the pretty fish.
Heidi loves to tote around Grimis in her mouth.
Heidi and Grimis at Sears.

Doesn't this look familiar? Seems like last month Cordelia was helping grandma push Heidi around in her stroller at the Dakota zoo. How time flys

Monday, February 22, 2010

More cuteness.

My first Bubble bath! So much fun.
I love bubbles!
Heidi enjoyed laying down and watching odie and garfield.
More "ooooh, aaaah"
"A little more the left." Heidi was watching daddy installing the t.v on the wall and new shelf.
Taking a break.
"What?" "I didn't do anything.....yet."
Victoria enjoyed the new shelf too. Silly cat.
So happy with her new fan she got at the craft store.
Victoria sneaking by while heidi is distracted.
Don't tell daddy I borrowed the laptop. I love to type on it.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oooooh, Aaaaah! , Scream, throw, sleep.

Heidi is getting so big and it seems like she learns something new each day. It's so fun to see her more aware of her surroundings and how to get our attention. If we ask Heidi where her bear is (usually when it's next to her) then she sees it and gets excited. I asked her today to give her teddy a "oooh, aaaah" and she kneeled down and put her arms out on the bear and had a big smile. It was the cutest thing ever. I asked her again to do the same thing later in the evening thinking it could be just a random thing and she just happened to do it, but she did it when I asked her. I couldn't believe it. What a fun event to see her understand us and what some things mean.
She also loves to wave hello and goodbye to everyone she sees. Today we went to Lowes to do some spring fever shopping and she was waving to everyone. She's also learning how to grab what she can to put it in the cart. I was getting some seeds for our garden and some flowers I have in mind for some areas of our yard while Heidi thought we needed a few other seed packets as she was grabbing them off the shelf and just throwing them in the cart, one at a time. She was sitting in the cart with it parked next to the shelf of seed packets so it was easy access for her. I didn't stop her because it was just to funny and she was enjoying herself so I could shop. I was laughing so hard when she would get a packet of seeds and then scream loudly and then throw them in the back of the cart, then repeat the process. What a fun day we had and then tommorow church for more people she can wave at and then some kids she can find to scream with, which is her way of saying hello to them.
So since Heidi loves to scream now, her screams are near to the pitch of "oh my, I think I'm deaf now." I think she likes to hear her echo in the house in some spots. She especially loves to splash and scream during bathtime. She will find a new floating toy and hit it and scream. She's just full of energy when she has her bath.

Here is heidi playing with the cats feather toy. Heidi loves it and victoria loves to play with it, although heidi doesn't get the cats to come all the time, she sure loves to try. And sometimes she trys to say Kitty when she plays with it. Because we always say "here kitty, kitty, kitty" and then show her how. She's so close to saying it too. When brian or I play with the cats with the feather toy, and get one of the cats to jump up, heidi just loves it! She gets the giggles.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Heidi and her bear.

Not only do I love my bear, I love my pony too!
"Oooh aaaah"

"Yaaay for prunes!"

Heidi loves her big bear. She is always crawling on it and hugging it. It's so sweet. Hedi also loves her pony that daddy got her when she was born. If we make the horse sounds while playing with it, she laughs so hard and sometimes screams about it. She's getting so big and she's just so much fun everyday.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Having fun today with mommy & daddy.

Thank you grandpa & grandma Gross for my new bathtoys!
Helping daddy fix the car toy grandpa & grandma seeberg got. Heidi played with it so much and banged it around on the table so hard, a wire knocked loose! We thought the batteries just needed to be changed. Oh well, daddy had fun taking it apart and to fix it.
Reading a book and heidi loves to turn the pages in her books. Don't dare do it for her, or she may get mad.
Heidi's book serves another purpose also. I guess heidi can't wait to be taller!
Working in her kitchen.
Oooooh, I love to be tickled!
"I love my bear to hug and crawl on!"

Heidi is so much more fun each day and I love to be home with her. We are going to have a good time and she's already fussy that she won't go to bed because mommy & daddy are home and she just wants to play. Heidi is really trying to say kitty and daddy. We hear her say those two but it's still a little hard to make out. Kitty sounds more like "itty" and daddy is mumbled a bit. I think her very first word will be kitty. Heidi is having a fun time learning how to walk. She's still walking with her car and loves to wave hello and goodbye. She's also learning how to use her lungs. Oh boy is she a screamer! She loves to yell and scream in the tub and she is now a non stop talker. She especially likes to talk around the dinner table. It's so much fun to see her trying to talk, as if she's telling a story. It's the cutest thing ever.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sooo big!

Victoria is out from a tough day of being chased and her tail being pulled.
For auntie stacy, "I can fit in my twins outfit."
Mommy found some fishies. Heidi takes them everywhere. You'll see her with them in more photos.
Yep, more fishies.
Taking the car for a ride with a passenger.
Leave a sock laying around? Heidi will take it and walk around with it in her mouth.f
More Cruisin'.
"I see you!"
Bath time and Heidi loves to stand and try to walk in the tub.
"Peek A Boo!"
Another photo with a fish. I think the fish is attacking the train?
Just Cute.
Shirt from Park City. On the front it has a Mallard and says " I'm deDUCKible." Our lil tax day baby.
"So what do you think?"
Vikings outfit.
Soooo ticklish!
"Tickle me, I dare you. What you don't know is that I just pooped my pants and you're gonna get it good."
"aaaaah, daddy farted, run for the hills!"
"So when is your bedtime?"

So here is Heidi and her being the sock junkie she is. Apparently she thinks she's a puppy? Fetch heidi, fetch. What a character!