Wednesday, June 10, 2009

"Soooo Big." Heidi loves that game.

I think Heidi is dancing the "macarena"
I like the little pink dress for her.
A little tummy time.
Hey there little sweetie!
What a rough day. "Turn the light off!"
Daddy and Heidi taking a long nap after a long day.
Such beautiful big eyes!
Lady bug outfit with lady bug feet. Ooooh.
A new pal mom got me.
Here are some new updated pics of Heidi. She just keeps getting more and more cute each day. She has the biggest eyelashes now and her eyes are still blue. I think her hair is getting lighter also.

Well, brian and I met with a lady to watch Heidi and she's absolutly wonderful. Her name is Pam and she's a grandma. She watches her 4 year grandson who will be going to school soon and then she will be just watching Heidi during the day later on. After meeting with Pam and getting to know her, she is also from N.D! Pam and her husband are from Minot and then they moved to Billings and then finally settled down in Idaho Falls. Wierd Huh??? I guess we were just meant to be or were meant to meet with each other. Her grandson,Tyler, reminds me so much of Torii. He's just wild and loves to keep talking. He always has something to say. Brian even asked me when we left her house, "do you see Torii in him?"
The day I had to drop off Heidi for the first time, killed me. Heidi started to cry before I had to leave and Pam just told me to go and not to worry. Pam said she will be plenty spoiled and she'll be ok. I still called to check in . I couldn't concentrate at work, I was a nervous wreck. I left work early to go pick her up. Ridiculous huh? Everyone, even pam, thinks she looks like a little bird. She sort of does when she's playing. It's so cute.

I have been a little frustrated with work lately. My schedule keeps changing and it's driving me insane! The front desk is short handed and I am helping out, during the evenings, days, middle shifts and so on. I told my boss today that I need a regular schedule or I need to go part time until I can get a set schedule again. I can't keep bouncing around now that I have Heidi. I need to have her on a schedule and myself, or poor Heidi will be so sleep deprived and will never know the time of day. Anyway, I think we are getting it worked out and it will get better.

Brian is leaving on Sunday for Atlanta for his conferance where he will be making his speech about "Fabrication of a Tungsten frozen pebble bed element utilizing spark plasma sintering." Did anyone understand that? That's just the title of his speech and I listened to it the other night. Not so bad. I didn't understand some of it but I'm slowly getting it. :) Brian will be gone for 4 nights. Its going to be a rough week for Heidi and I. Ugh. I can't wait for him to be home and his trip will be over. This saturday we will celebrate his birthday and I'm going to make a cake, and some Teriyake Kabobs on the grill. It should be fun. Well, enjoy the new pictures and I will end this blog with a short video of Heidi and her musical worm that I found at walmart for only $3.00! It's not a glow worm like she was with her belly light but close enough.


Laurie said...

Cute pictures!! She's adorable!

Stacy said...

Ohhhhh, cute pictures!

Unknown said...

I miss my little Heidi!