Friday, March 20, 2009

Regular Doc visit

Yesturday I had my regular doctor's visit and everything is going really well. In fact, the little one is sitting pretty low right now according to the doctor. She said I'm not dilated right now but she was surprised how low she is. The doctor asked me if I'm uncomfortable right now with her. And of course I am! I had to laugh when I told brian that our little girl leans to right all time. He said "that's good sign, she can't lean to the left and be a liberal." Or he said something to that effect. What a brat.

I have been loosing more sleep each week because if she's leaning to my right side more, it's so hard to sleep. I can only sleep on my right side. If I lay down on my left side, even for about 2 hours or so, my siatic nerve acts up and then I'm uncomfortable everywhere. UGH. Today I told my boss and co-workers that I can no longer work on Monday nights alone. It scares me that I am there all alone and then if something happens, I can't wait for someone to come in to watch the hotel. I told them that I will work this Monday night and then after that I can't do it anymore. It worry's me that I'm the only one there. I also told them that the baby is sitting pretty low right now, so who knows when she will want to come. I have so much to do before I leave too. I still need to meet with my desk manager to help cover or take some of my accounts while I'm out. I think I can stress myself out next week, after her and I meet then I can get a earlier leave from work? Ha ha!


Stacy said...

Are you taking off of work before your due date?

Did you get a body pillow for sleeping? They are totally worth it if you haven't gotten one!

Hang in there, baby will be here before you know it.

Heidi's Corner said...

I would like to take some time off before my due date. I want to work up too as far as I can. I'm going to talk to my doctor and ask her what she thinks of an arrival time.