Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today when Brian and I went to church, the priest was talking about responsibilty. He started to talk about when we or our children are Baptised. As I was listening to him speak ahout how we as parents take on the responsibilty of our children to be baptised and to raise them, I started to think about home again and how much I miss it. Then the baby decided to kick me. I think she was trying to tell me not to let my mind wonder and to pay attention. So when the priest was still talking more and more on the importance of baptism and our "resposibilty" during Lent, I figured this could be a sign to get home. ha ha

Brian and I have been talking more about coming home for our little one's baptism and have it at the church we were married in. We just need to get going on the arrangments back home if we do decide to go home. Last minute plans are always fun. Ugh. Anyway, I think it would be nice to do the Baptism and then if weather permits, I would like to do a picnic afterwards or just hangout at the grandparents house. I'm not sure but whatever we would do after would be fun either way. I know a picnic at a park would be nice so the cousins can run out on the playground or family could play some frisbee or something.

Other than the Baptism, we haven't been doing much lately. We went to the movie "Slumdog Millionaire." I loved this movie. I would go see it again and I'll probably buy it when it comes out on DVD. I've been looking for some more recipes to try so we have more meals with fresh ingredients instead of so many frozen meals. I made a potato/bacon soup today with homemade cornbread. Both were very easy and not too bad. My next fresh recipe to make is probably going to be Orange Sesame stir fry or Baked Talipia with homemade dip sauce. I better save the fish for friday. :-)

I was going to take some more pictures today but I was cleaning all afternoon and the picture would have been aweful. Yes I know mom and dad..........I'll get some photos posted soon. Love you all and I will get some photos of me and baby and some things I got for the nursery posted soon.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Another benefit of coming home- Free babysitting so you and Brian can have a date. I already call the baby for one evening. Auntie has to start spoiling ASAP.

I also sent some recipes in the box I sent you. If you didn't get it today it should be there tomorrow.