Sunday, March 22, 2009

Trying to prepare

I have put myself on a task before baby arrives which I realized will need to be done soon! I have decided to start making things that I can freeze for awhile and then all I need to do is pull it out of the freezer and "voila," it's ready. So far the only thing I have made is, banana bread, and sugar cookies to frost later. Of course I had to through a sweet treat in there. And there are some bars I want to freeze also. I still want to make macadamia cookies, apple bars, chex mix, and some other cookies. I know that so far I have just sweets listed but, I found some recipes that I can make some dinners ahead of time to freeze and then just pull from the freezer.

This is my ultimate goal before the baby arrives but we'll see how many meals or snacks I can get done to freeze before then. Someone mentioned to make pre-made dinners because it helps so much that first month or so. I forgot about it until recently and probably last minute now. I guess there's always the easy crockpot method. I'm sure I'll be up early enough each day to get something started in the crockpot anyway.

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