Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm so sleepy

As I'm about to write this, I'm half awake. I hope it makes sense.
Brian and I haven't been up to much lately. We went to The Red Robin restaurant to eat for Valentine's Day and we only had to wait 45 minutes compared to other restaurants with a 2 hour wait. We both had a great dinner and I can't wait to go back so I don't have to cook.
Lately, I haven't been getting any sleep at all. I work late on Monday's and then go back to work at 9am on Tueday's and the rest of the week are day shifts. This week when I went into work on Tuesday, my boss asked me if something was wrong because I didn't look well I guess. I told her that I was just really tired and felt like I only got two hours of sleep. My boss told me to come in when I feel like it to make sure I do get plenty of rest and so I don't push myself so much. I told her to pinch me. I couldn't believe my boss just told me to make my own hours.

As my boss knows and some other people may know that I am the type of person that can not stand being late for work, even if it's 5 minutes, or I dislike the idea of not being productive. So all day Tuesday I didn't get much done because I thought only about my plush pillow waiting at home with a big comfy comforter to snuggle with. My boss knew I was "kicking" myself all day that I was tired but trying to get as much done as possible.

So, later in the evening when my boss, Cindy, returns from going around town to get errands done for the hotel, she said I have something for you because I just couldn't help myself. Cindy, then pulled out two of the cutest shoes, two premie outfits, and two sets of hair bows. I couldn't believe she did that. Cindy said it's only the beginning because when Brian leaves for a week for work, she's having a baby shower for me. Ooooooh. If I decide to become a stay at home mom later, they are going to be so hard to leave. Great people. I told Brian about it and he couldn't believe it either.

Baby has been kicking and moving around a lot more and the nights are getting longer. I woke up at 3am on monday morning; not to the kicks of the baby or movement of her, but to the sound of possible dishes being broken? I hurried downstairs and sure enough, one of the cats is on the kitchen counter, again. I grabbed her and spanked her so hard because I was so tired and now it's going to take me forever to get back to sleep. I put her in the garage and she ended-up sneaking back in (I don't think I closed the door all the way). Then at 5:30am, I hear another crashing sound of dishes. By this time I'm heading downstairs and saying every name in the book possible. Same cat, but on the kitchen table and this time she tipped my beautiful flowers over that Brian got me and water is everywhere. I once again grabbed the cat and spanked her even harder this time and now she's in the carrier and locked in. She's not getting out this time.
Before I know it, alarm goes off and I can't get back to sleep. So I'm up all day until I have to be at work at 3pm-11pm. Ugh. So, Tuesday morning, I was a walking zombie. But if it comes to me waking up to the cats and not the baby in early a.m hours, something's not right. They will have to get used to sleeping in the garage at night.

kjsla;jfdddkasoiujtfew kdfjdfld;;lastuowefjkjm (oh sorry, I fell asleep on the keyboard) zzzzzzzzz

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Not to sound mean, but I am enjoying this so much. Tired? You have no idea.... But you'll find out soon enough :)