Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm a big girl!

Say cheese!
Heidi's Cabana.
Butterflys that are velcro attached on each side.
Here we start our cookie making.
Learning how to stir is hard. She just wanted to throw the flour.
To soon for the chips. Stinker.
Not on the counter, in the bowl hun.

Flour fight.

My helper.

I love to see Heidi try new foods and the expression on her face is priceless. Whether it's something she enjoys or doesn't care for, she has such a personality. Usually if she doesn't like something, she will pucker up her lips and slowly spit it out. Some things that she really loves, she will hum "mmmm." Now my new goal with our little girl who is getting so big; I have to find or make things that Heidi can eat with us. Today I made stir fry and when I had the chicken cooked, I put some of it aside onto heidi's plate and then the rest for us to season spicy. I also put some veggies aside for her as well. Heidi really liked the chicken but I think she's getting sick of carrots. She's been spitting the carrots out lately if she gets a bite of it. And it's not a slow spit-out of the mouth either. She has learned the stick out the tongue and go "Pfffflllhhhh!" So not only are there carrots on her, the table and me, it's also all over the floor. What a brat. Then if I cover her mouth with a napkin and say no. She just giggles and carry's on with throwing her dinner everywhere. We also found out that Heidi loves hotdogs and macaroni salad during our grilling out with Rob & Sarah.

Heidi also has learned how to run and she sure loves to be chased. I'm trying to keep up with her and she just wants to run. So now shopping is a nightmare. No more sitting, let me out!

Today I decided to make some cookies and let Heidi help me. I completly forgot to put on her apron that grandma gross got her and by the time I remembered it, it was to late. There was flour everywhere. Heidi had so much fun playing with flour and helping me. The whole process was a big mess everywhere but it was so worth it! She sat so nice on the stole up to the counter and I was afraid of her falling off because she gets so excited. But she just wanted to look at what mommy was doing and what I was giving her to play with. By the time Heidi was ready to quit and wanting down, that was the time to put the cookies in the oven, so I decided to help her make more mess with flour. I gave her little more to spread around on the counter and then before I knew it, we were having a flour fight. She started it! She put flour on my face, so I put some on hers. She was giggling so hard and had a lot of fun. After I cleaned up and then picked up heidi, she was a flour dust cloud. I had to change her into new clothes or when she would be running around the house, I might have seen a dust trail following behind her.

We have been outside all weekend and playing in the yard and getting lots of exercise. Heidi loves to play in the dirt and we have played in the grass at Rob & Sarah's until our yard is in. When she can get on the grass, she moves quick. She loves it! She epecially loves to pick Dandilions. She gets so excited about them. She must think they are flowers. So Heidi is now Rob's weed controller. I also put up Heidi's pool I got her last year on clearance. It's really cute. It almost looks like a little Cabana. Heidi also got a pool for christmas, so maybe I will use one as a play center and one for a pool. Not sure what to do yet but it's still early to tell until our yard is finished.
Next time anyone sees Heidi, ask her for a "Eskimo Kiss." She loves it and giggles. She to give them. :)

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Oh my gosh! She is growing too fast now. What fun pictures. Can't wait to see her in a couple of weeks. Running may be a challenge for Grandpa and I in the airport. Hee, hee. What a big girl.