Monday, May 10, 2010

Just another day.

Ready to plant some strawberries.
Ready to go for a walk.

By the rock fountain near our house.
Uh-Oh, noodles everywhere.
Try to stop me.........
To late. SQUISH!!

Today Heidi and I had a fun morning of a nice long walk. The weather this morning was so perfect and we really needed to get out and just explore the neighborhood. Halfway into our walk we noticed a sweet little girl yelling behind us and so we stopped to say hi. Heidi was having a great time seeing another little girl out walking with her mommy to. So we all decided to walk together for a bit and play. The little girls name is Lucy and her mom is Ashlynn. They live across the street from us and Ashlynn is due with another girl on the way in a week. After our walk, I told her that she can bring Lucy over to play with Heidi anytime if she would like and if she needs a break. Heidi would love it. I will have to say hi to her again soon before she has her baby or a couple weeks after to see how she is and see the new baby. I will probably make some treats also to bring over. Not sure yet.

After our walk, we had to get some errands done, so we hopped in the car and went shopping for about 2 hours. Then home for lunch. Heidi liked macaroni and cheese the other night so I made the same thing for us today. Little did I know she had other plans for the mac & cheese. As I was talking to Laurie on the phone, I stepped away to the sink to get a towel and when I came back, noodles, everywhere. Then when we finished our call and Heidi and I finished our lunch (whatever was left and not on the floor), I started to sweep the floor. I put Heidi in the living room to clean up and then of course when I went to get another paper towl, there she was, stepping and squishing all the noodles I piled up. I was laughing so hard while telling her no but she of course just looked at me and laughed along and continued squishing her fallen noodles.

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