Monday, May 24, 2010

Sweet things.

Uh -Oh the forman drove up. Look Busy.
Heidi mud running in the yard. She can sure make some tracks!

Heidi taking after daddy. Let's just hope she doesn't start bringing a book or magazine to the bathroom or I'll never see my family!
That's not the way we get there Heidi. Silly.

"Mom, do you really think you will need your flip flops?"

Story time. Heidi will let me know now if she wants to read or look at books with me. She doesn't yell and point at them, she just throws them in my lap.

I'm getting so excited to get to Michigan finally and to be with everyone. What a great time it's going to be. Heidi has been helping me pack......well, sort of. I put it in the suitcase and she takes it back out. So lots of clothes laying around right now. Brian has been very busy with the putting in our sprinkler system before vacation starts but I don't think we will have it fully done before we leave which we would have hoped for. Heidi has been having some new moments. When I chase her and she screams away, she will ran at daddy and then look at me. She must think she is safe and I can't get her then. I think we did those type of games when we were younger also. It's so adorable to see her do it. Heidi still loves to play "phone." She loves to pretend to talk on the phone and walk around the house with it. I'm thinking of getting a toy vacuum as she gets so excited when I clean the house and she really wants to help me. I was dusting the table's in the living room over the weekend and when I walked away she grabbed my rag and started to move the rag onto the coffee table and was talking so much while doing it! I couldn't believe it. I was laughing so hard and it was just the cutest thing.

Heidi & I went on a bike ride the other day and my heart melted when I saw the cutest little boy taking his toy "popcorn" lawn mower and following behind his daddy while he was mowing the lawn with his push mower. It was so funny to hear the little boys lil' mower go "pop, pop" as he followed his dad.

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