Monday, April 26, 2010

Earth day at the Zoo & more fun.

Heidi loves her 'hippo' spoon. She won't part with it. She kept it in her mouth while looking at her books. It looks like she has a cigar or pipe in her mouth while she sits and reads. Silly girl. (See the video at the end)
Clear the runway!
First the mustang and now daddy's truck.

Oooh, the box fell on top of me and I went through the window!

At the Zoo and we started at the Pelican Pier to feed ducks & a few pelicans.

Mommy and Heidi in the back corner feeding the new baby goats.

BIG kitty!

Heidi didn't want to leave the lion cage. She was holding on tight. She likes the kitty's.

Always wanting to walk, there's no slowing down for her.

"My what big teeth you have!"

Leaving the zoo with her balloon. :)

Loving her giant bear!

There's a big smile!


Unknown said...

Oh dear, someone better tell little Heidi that the kittys at the zoo will swallow her in one bite! Love the spoon video. Love the picture of her laying on the big bear. Love little miss Heidi :)

Stacy said...

That video is so funny. I love the picture of her peeking out from behind the kitchen? playset. I can't wait to see her!