Saturday, April 10, 2010

Laundry day. I went to put some laundry away and when I came back to the laundry room, there was the fat cat. I really needed a good laugh after a very long day of cleaning. Silly animals.

Heidi loves to play "knock, knock." She loves to open and close doors. This is her favorite game. She takes off from us to come and tickle her and if she makes into a open room, you can hear a door slightly close. She's so funny. It's such a joy to see her show her emotions of what she needs or wants. Even when she's upset, I can now know what she wants, most of the time. I can hear her babbles and know or can hear a certain babble for her ducky, kitty, or her mommy or daddy. But she does say "ma, ma, or mommy, and daddy" pretty clear.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow what a pretty picture of Victoria. You could send this in somewhere and get an award. Seriously!