Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Me and my puppy.

Heidi loves to take her puppy everywhere!

Heidi's t.v debute.

Turn the volume up-it's a little quiet.

I sent in Heidi's picture to a local newstation and they had put her on the morning news broadcast. They have a segment called "Baby Faces" and they feature a new baby each weekday. It's a short little moment but it was still fun to see heidi on t.v. I had so many pictures of Heidi that were so adorable and I couldn't decide. I even asked Brian for help and he couldn't decide either. So I decided to go with the one of her in the peddle airplane. I thought, who see's kids in pedal cars anymore? I thought that would be a good one. Even the newscaster thought it was a "cool" toy.

Heidi was also in the newspaper on sunday for the "Born in 2009" section. It was fun to have and a little momento for her later on. Also another hard choice of what picture to use.

Heidi and I are having so much fun at home. It's fun to make up new games and to watch her try to walk. Last night she took two steps to me and she is loving it! She is trying so hard and she just keeps on going and going. Her new thing she loves to giggle at is when I ask her what the birds say, and when I say "Tweet, tweet" she giggles so hard. Heidi also loves her puppy stuffed animal. She drags that puppy everywhere! She was chasing the cat around the kitchen dragging the puppy along with. I wish I would had video of it. For some reason the cat and heidi kept going around the kitchen in circles and I couldn't stop laughing. Heidi and the puppy were chaseing victoria at the same time.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Fever.

I can stand by myself!

On our walk the ducks came right up to us which Heidi loved.

Today I decided that Heidi and I needed to get some fresh air. Especially while Heidi was sleeping and I was cleaning the house and noticed the outside temperature was reading near 60 degrees. So I packed some things and was ready as soon as Heidi woke up from her nap. I am loving the few nice days we are getting and I will take full advantage of them if I can. I wasn't sure of what to do since our zoo doesn't open until the weekend of Heidi's party.
Heidi and I went to the local animal shelter to walk a few puppy's and we had alot of fun. Heidi has only seen her stuffed animal's and a few neighborhood dogs run by but has never had one up close. I decided to take out a cute little lab/dachshund mix pup and we also took out a German Shepard puppy that was only 4 months old. Oooooh sooo cute! I love German Shepard puppy's with their floppy ears! My heart melted but I knew I couldn't take either one home. Oh well, I got my puppy fix for the week or maybe just a day. :(
After about 30-40 minutes at the animal shelter, we ventured to the river to feed to the ducks and geese since mommy actually remembered to take some bread with this time. I even bought some white bread loaves just for the river outings we take. Heidi had so much fun trying to give the geese some bread. I would say "here, goose, goose, goose." And then I would see Heidi hold her arm out with some bread in hand and she would be talking to the geese also. It was so adorable. After we ran out of bread, we strolled along the falls to see kids play and people walking their dogs. Heidi of course was waving to everyone and when someone would stop to say back to her, she would wave and "talk" to their dog if they had one along with them. She had such a busy afternoon but it was so nice to get out the house and show her things outside and let her express herself some more. She loved it and I hope this weekend is nice so we can go out again and I can get some more exercise.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hat day and more fun pics.

Let's try on some hats and see what ones still fit. Hat day was a fun day. So many to go through.

Heidi and her fish.
Two trouble makers playing hide-and-go-seek.
"Mommy, seriously, are you about done with the picture taking?"
"Peek A Boo!"
Play time after dinner.
"I will get this top to work"
Giving the kitty some love.
"But I don't wanna be a bunny!"
I can't get the polka dancing video of heidi to post. I don't know why it won't but maybe I'll try later or try on facebook. :(

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chicken Soup for the Mother of PreSchooler's Soul.

I remember getting this book with some other items just before Heidi was born and I found it the other night. I finally picked it up and started to read it. It's a great book to ease my mind from everday chores. There are some good story's and a it's a fun read before bed. Some of the favorite "You might be a mommy if......"

"Sleeping in" is when the clock reads 6:30 a.m.
You never go anywhere without baby wipes.
Your children are better dressed than you.
Excitment means Pampers are on sale.
You can tell what your daughter had for breakfast, lunch and dinner by looking at the front of her shirt.
Every shirt you own has spit up on the shoulder.
You willingly hug and kiss a kid who has sticky fingers, sweat-drenched hair and a milk mustache.
If you were trapped for days in your car, you could survive on the Cheerios and french fries on your floor boards.
Hearing the words "I'm done," from the bathroom sends chills up your spine.
You can change from lounging-sweats casual to night-on-the-town glamorous in three in a half minutes.
You go to bed at 12:30am and get up at 5:00 a.m., thankful for the extra sleep.
You're overworked, overcommitted, and underappreciated-and you wouldn't trade your life for anything in the world.

Learning something new each day.

Heidi and I have a few favorite games we play each day. We always play "Chase the Kitty," and I think that is always the most used throughout our day. Heidi loves to take her car she walks with and trys to run over Victoria. It's so entertaining. She screams as she walks to victoria.
Another game we play is "Coaster Throw." Heidi loves to take all of my (non-glass) coasters and put them on her head or just throw them all around. She loves it when they are on a table to stand against and scatter them. She talks like she creating something and tells me all about what she is doing and sometimes I get one from her. Then all of a sudden she throws them at me, behind her, or just in the air anywhere and she screams.
The "Miniture Toy Box." I fill Heidi's small box of little items she can either dump out of the box or sort through. Each day it's a different variety of items she has so it's a fun mix-up for her to play with. Once again, more things to throw at mommy.
The "Diaper Box." Once we need more diapers I reuse the box to put Heidi in and we drive around the house or "fly" around. She has fun with it. This is usually used when her little legs get tired from chasing the cat.
The "Mailbox." I found some cute valentine mailbox's at walmart and they don't have much of a valentine look to them, so I use it everyday to things in for her. I ask heidi to check her mailbox and she really can't get it just yet but she sure loves to play with it on her own. Each time I ask her to "open" she knows what to do. She takes things out and puts things back into it and closes the door on it.
Heidi is getting used to what I ask her and what I am talking about. It's alot of fun to see her understand me and then we work on something new when I think she's got it. If we ask her "what goes round & round?" She looks up at the ceiling fan and does the "oooh" face. When we ask her "where is the coo-coo-coo?" She looks at the Coo-Coo Clock and points to it. Ask heidi where the kitty is and she will go look for her or look at her and either scream or babble at her. She knows to grab her toes when I ask her where they are. And she knows how to wave hello and goodbye. She also likes to have a nice rest once in awhile and we will read books. Ask heidi to "turn" and she will grab the page and turn it when ready. Sometime's she's so anxious to turn the pages, she just does it to get the end and then onto the next book.
"Peek-A-Boo" is always a classic. Tonight Heidi had Brian and I laughing so hard. Heidi was in the kitchen with me and then Brian was calling to her and Heidi would peek around the corner, laugh, and then disappear. Then Peek over the corner to see if daddy was still there and then laugh and then disappear again, then repeat. I think this went on for about 5 minutes and she loved the game.
I think this weekend we will find some new games to create. I think we will really start working on our shapes and colors.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Standing all by myself.

Today, Heidi and I had such a fun day. When we woke up this morning we had a nice breakfast and then off to the mall right away. I was just thinking of getting a few things and then get right back home and hoping the mall opened at 9am. But when we arrived in the mall, all we saw were mall walkers and all the stores didn't open until 10am. Oh well. I thought it would be nice to join in and Heidi loves to get out of her stroller and not be strapped in, so car rides are sometimes a nightmare. I figured since she wanted out, and the mall only has a few people here and there, why not? She loves to push her stroller and loves to stop to gaze at the kids and other mall walkers and wave as they pass by. What a social butterfly. She had so much room to walk in the mall without running into things and getting stuck, like at home when she's walking with her car and bumps into the couch, chair, wall or coffe table. She was enjoying the long walk and I think it will help her more to get her walking by herself. I think she needs to get some muscle going in those legs to hold herself up. And speaking of holding herself up. Later in the evening, she was holding onto our stereo shelf in the living room as usual and adjusting the buttons on daddy's sound system. The shelves are perfectly lined up with her height so she can get up and hold onto. As I was sitting across from her, I asked to "come to mommy." It took a few trys, but she eventually let go and was standing alone! I couldn't believe it. What a sight. It only lasted a few seconds but it seemed longer because I was so excited! So maybe another trip to the mall?