Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today we had our follow up Ultrasound. Everything is going well and baby is doing great. She weighs about 6lb and 11 ounces. We had some excitment when we arrived to our appointment. As we were going into the room with the person doing the ultrasound, she was looking at my chart brought over from our doctor's office. When she was reading off the chart she mentioned "ok, great, so it says here that we will be looking for twins today?" I immediatly looked over to brian and the poor guy's face dropped. He asked her if she was joking and she said, "um nope, it says it right here." And sure enough, that's what it said on my chart.
I told her that I think they wrote it on the wrong chart because my stomach was measuring small and that's all I was told, so how could twins come into this picture? Poor brian said he was going to have a breakdown if that were true. So, everything is well with our little girl, and yes it's still a girl and NO twins. :-)

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