Saturday, April 4, 2009

Follow up appointment

Yesturday I had my weekly follow up appointment. Everything still sounds great. The baby's heart beat sounds nice and the doctor said that my tummy is measuring a little small so on Tuesday I will be having another ultrasound just to check on baby's weight and how the baby is positioned. The doctor said that my stomach may measure small, but it's most likely because of how she is positioned or how she moves around. And the ultrasound is just to check in on baby to make sure everything is going well. I'm so excited to see her again on Tuesday and see how big she is and how she is exactly positioned. Right now she is sitting really low and I can feel the pressure, so it's been very uncomfortable. The time is coming soon and I can't wait. I'm still finding some baby stuff to buy and I am getting better to hold off on buying a lot of things. It's really tough but I want to go shopping while I'm home with family. :-) I did buy a stuffed animal for her though. The stuffed animal I found at Target is a small soft pony and it goes so well with the onesie I picked up that reads "Daddy, I want a pony!" And it has a picture of pony on it. I thought it was perfect since I still ask my dad to this day for a horse! ha ha!

Brian and I have been getting so many wedding invitations from friends and it figures it has to be the same year we are expecting a baby. So with 6 weeks off of work, then asking for time off would not happen with work. However, we do want to make it someone's wedding this year! We did get a invitation for a wedding in late October and our little girl will be 6 months by then. So maybe the travel thing wouldn't be so bad with her. I already asked my boss for the time off if she thinks it would work, and she said she doesn't see why not. The hotel is slowing down by then and it's 6 months later, so she thought I could get a week or so off of work. I'm so excited because if everything is going well with baby, then we will be going to a wedding in London! How wonderful would that be to have our little girl's first trip, would be to London of all places. What a spoiled kid already. She may not remember the trip later, but the pictures will be there and it will fun to bring her with also. Of course, Brian has already looked into flights and everything else, and he said we could easily go anytime. So, now it's just a matter of time to book the flight, hotel and get everything else. So much going on this year but so much fun!

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