Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Beautiful Spring Rainbow

We had this nice rainbow the other day and now today it's snowing out! How does that work out? Crazy early spring weather. Today I'm just resting and waiting for Heidi's arrival. Yes, I finally said her name! Everyone should know by now. It's about 9:30pm and for the last few hours I have had some moderate sharp pains in my abdomen and a little to my back. And I'm going to the restroom more. All seem like the signs of labor. Brian already changed out of his PJ's to get ready, the car has even been backed into the garage so he can drive straight out! Ha ha.
Poor future daddy is getting a little worked up. I'm pretty calm surprisinly but still getting ready. I would like to go to the hospital for someone to tell me what is exactly going on, but I know they would probably just send me home anyway. So, I think I will wait when the pains get stronger and more frequent, then I think it will be time to load the car.
Well, I'm going to try to get some sleep or rest a little bit. Talk to everyone soon! Love You All!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Next thing you know...hello baby!