Thursday, April 23, 2009

Heidi Renae Gross

Brian and I are so excited of our new addition to the family. We are blessed with a baby girl on April 15th, 2009. She was born at 1:54am and she was 6lbs 12 oz. The last blog was the night we went to the hospital. It was funny when the future daddy came home from work that night. Brian came home around 6pm and he saw me on the recliner in pain. I told him that I was starting to time these "moderate to sharp" pains in my lower abdomen every 10-15 minutes because they seemed to happen more frequent today. His eyes went huge and I think he stopped breathing for a minute. Brian asked if I was ok and I said "yes, for now," and he immediatly bolted upstairs and picked up my bags and the car seat and loaded the car. I don't think I have seen him move so quick! I told Brian to hold off because they could be false labor pains, as I don't know what even real labor felt like. So we kept timing them during the course of the night.

Later that evening, around 9pm, Brian was timing the contractions at about 3-5 minutes apart. He finally told me that he's calling the hospital and telling them that we are on the way there. At about 9:45-10pm the contractions were so strong and painful I asked for the epideral. I was also dilated already at 4. Brian was doing a great job being my coach and helped me a lot. I think there was only one time that I told him to shut up and he still had his watch and hair on his arm afterwards. :-)

While I was getting my epideral shots around 11:45pm, the person giving me the epideral had to tell us the warning's of getting this. He warned us that if he were to, for any reason, hit a nerve in my back, I could be paralyzed. I think there were some other warnings also, but I didn't pay attention to them. I even asked the nurse if it would hurt because I want to know what to expect on top of my contractions I was having at the sametime. I didn't want to be surprised. The nurses response, "oh, you feel a slight popping or cracking." What??!! I think she could have said, "Oh, you're doing great, and you'll only feel pressure or you will be fine," I think that would have made me more comfortable. So with that said and now Brian is hearing all this, he told me later that he nearly passed out while he was giving the epideral. I remember him telling Brian to sit down after Brian grabbed the I.V cart to hold himself up. Brian said he couldn't stand seeing me in pain and how the epideral was being put into my back. He was worried about me. But that was the only time he felt faint. :-)

Now that I have my epideral, Life is good. :-) During the epideral shots, my water broke and the doctor said that as soon as he's done, get ready to push. Wow. that was quick! And the drugs kicked in right away. I think at one point I started to have a regular conversation with the anesthesiologist. It was quite funny. He came to check up on me and I told him that I was great and asked him how long he's done this for and what his name was and yada, yada. He probably see's that all the time but still thought I was a little weird. Anyway, I started to push around 12:15pm and then at 1:54am, Heidi appeared and daddy cut the cord. Brian was so amazed at how fast everything went.

After everything was over, and now we finally get to hold our precious girl, daddy and I couldn't be more happy. She has the cutest little face and she looks so much like her daddy. After I look at her more, I see her daddy's smile and mischievous grin. :-) We were so excited and daddy posted some pictures on our main blog page right away at 4am to share with everyone. I can't get over how small her toes and fingers are. She's so precious.

I will post some more, but right now I hear our little one waking up from her nap and I will continue again as soon as I can.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Beautiful Spring Rainbow

We had this nice rainbow the other day and now today it's snowing out! How does that work out? Crazy early spring weather. Today I'm just resting and waiting for Heidi's arrival. Yes, I finally said her name! Everyone should know by now. It's about 9:30pm and for the last few hours I have had some moderate sharp pains in my abdomen and a little to my back. And I'm going to the restroom more. All seem like the signs of labor. Brian already changed out of his PJ's to get ready, the car has even been backed into the garage so he can drive straight out! Ha ha.
Poor future daddy is getting a little worked up. I'm pretty calm surprisinly but still getting ready. I would like to go to the hospital for someone to tell me what is exactly going on, but I know they would probably just send me home anyway. So, I think I will wait when the pains get stronger and more frequent, then I think it will be time to load the car.
Well, I'm going to try to get some sleep or rest a little bit. Talk to everyone soon! Love You All!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today we had our follow up Ultrasound. Everything is going well and baby is doing great. She weighs about 6lb and 11 ounces. We had some excitment when we arrived to our appointment. As we were going into the room with the person doing the ultrasound, she was looking at my chart brought over from our doctor's office. When she was reading off the chart she mentioned "ok, great, so it says here that we will be looking for twins today?" I immediatly looked over to brian and the poor guy's face dropped. He asked her if she was joking and she said, "um nope, it says it right here." And sure enough, that's what it said on my chart.
I told her that I think they wrote it on the wrong chart because my stomach was measuring small and that's all I was told, so how could twins come into this picture? Poor brian said he was going to have a breakdown if that were true. So, everything is well with our little girl, and yes it's still a girl and NO twins. :-)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Follow up appointment

Yesturday I had my weekly follow up appointment. Everything still sounds great. The baby's heart beat sounds nice and the doctor said that my tummy is measuring a little small so on Tuesday I will be having another ultrasound just to check on baby's weight and how the baby is positioned. The doctor said that my stomach may measure small, but it's most likely because of how she is positioned or how she moves around. And the ultrasound is just to check in on baby to make sure everything is going well. I'm so excited to see her again on Tuesday and see how big she is and how she is exactly positioned. Right now she is sitting really low and I can feel the pressure, so it's been very uncomfortable. The time is coming soon and I can't wait. I'm still finding some baby stuff to buy and I am getting better to hold off on buying a lot of things. It's really tough but I want to go shopping while I'm home with family. :-) I did buy a stuffed animal for her though. The stuffed animal I found at Target is a small soft pony and it goes so well with the onesie I picked up that reads "Daddy, I want a pony!" And it has a picture of pony on it. I thought it was perfect since I still ask my dad to this day for a horse! ha ha!

Brian and I have been getting so many wedding invitations from friends and it figures it has to be the same year we are expecting a baby. So with 6 weeks off of work, then asking for time off would not happen with work. However, we do want to make it someone's wedding this year! We did get a invitation for a wedding in late October and our little girl will be 6 months by then. So maybe the travel thing wouldn't be so bad with her. I already asked my boss for the time off if she thinks it would work, and she said she doesn't see why not. The hotel is slowing down by then and it's 6 months later, so she thought I could get a week or so off of work. I'm so excited because if everything is going well with baby, then we will be going to a wedding in London! How wonderful would that be to have our little girl's first trip, would be to London of all places. What a spoiled kid already. She may not remember the trip later, but the pictures will be there and it will fun to bring her with also. Of course, Brian has already looked into flights and everything else, and he said we could easily go anytime. So, now it's just a matter of time to book the flight, hotel and get everything else. So much going on this year but so much fun!