Monday, March 30, 2009

New baby pic update

Here's an update picture of baby and I; while cooking dinner. :-) I also
got new, fun ,cute glasses and I love wearing them more than contacts!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Trying to prepare

I have put myself on a task before baby arrives which I realized will need to be done soon! I have decided to start making things that I can freeze for awhile and then all I need to do is pull it out of the freezer and "voila," it's ready. So far the only thing I have made is, banana bread, and sugar cookies to frost later. Of course I had to through a sweet treat in there. And there are some bars I want to freeze also. I still want to make macadamia cookies, apple bars, chex mix, and some other cookies. I know that so far I have just sweets listed but, I found some recipes that I can make some dinners ahead of time to freeze and then just pull from the freezer.

This is my ultimate goal before the baby arrives but we'll see how many meals or snacks I can get done to freeze before then. Someone mentioned to make pre-made dinners because it helps so much that first month or so. I forgot about it until recently and probably last minute now. I guess there's always the easy crockpot method. I'm sure I'll be up early enough each day to get something started in the crockpot anyway.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Regular Doc visit

Yesturday I had my regular doctor's visit and everything is going really well. In fact, the little one is sitting pretty low right now according to the doctor. She said I'm not dilated right now but she was surprised how low she is. The doctor asked me if I'm uncomfortable right now with her. And of course I am! I had to laugh when I told brian that our little girl leans to right all time. He said "that's good sign, she can't lean to the left and be a liberal." Or he said something to that effect. What a brat.

I have been loosing more sleep each week because if she's leaning to my right side more, it's so hard to sleep. I can only sleep on my right side. If I lay down on my left side, even for about 2 hours or so, my siatic nerve acts up and then I'm uncomfortable everywhere. UGH. Today I told my boss and co-workers that I can no longer work on Monday nights alone. It scares me that I am there all alone and then if something happens, I can't wait for someone to come in to watch the hotel. I told them that I will work this Monday night and then after that I can't do it anymore. It worry's me that I'm the only one there. I also told them that the baby is sitting pretty low right now, so who knows when she will want to come. I have so much to do before I leave too. I still need to meet with my desk manager to help cover or take some of my accounts while I'm out. I think I can stress myself out next week, after her and I meet then I can get a earlier leave from work? Ha ha!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Updated pictures-Finally!

Baby blanket I made with two pillows. Kind of a cute play corner of the nursery.
Size chart I found online. So cute vintage look.
Here's a picture of me and baby and some things I made or got for the baby. I'm having fun putting the baby's nursery together and I still re-arrange here and there just to play around. Baby and I are doing great and we have our regular check up appointment this Thursday and then we will have an appointment every week after that.
I'm glad to have a every week appointment from now on. I'll get a better idea of when baby may arrive and I will either feel better or feel worse before brian leaves at the end of the month. Brian is still looking to leave on his business trip the very last week of this month to the first week of April. So I'm getting a little nervous.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day in the classroom & never ending work.

Today Brian and I went to our prenatel class and we did get some answers on some things. There was a nice big group of people there and the class I think helped me be at ease a little more. I'm still a little nervous on some parts for the big day but for the most part, I feel so much more prepared.

I think my favorite part of the class is when the instructor asked everyone to share what they are most nervous about, before the big day. When each person (including the hubby's) shared thier fears or concerns, then the instructor would talk about each situation. It made me feel so much better that I wasn't alone in what I was feeling and now my nervousness has gone down a lot more. Brian said he is nervous for me while he needs to be gone for a week with work. He is asking a few lady's at work that I know well, to keep checking in with me while he's gone.

The only thing I am more nervous on is if I want the Epideral. The instructor was showing us the procedure with the equipment used and just showed us the needle's and what steps are done. I about died. I for one can not stand the sight of needles and they make me cringe. I never have. I don't even like my blood taken. Yes, I know, I'm a big baby. But, when I saw that epideral needle, I think I choked a little. Brian asked if I still wanted to do the Epideral and I said, we will have to see how I feel at the time. I probably won't care if I need to be stuck with a 3 inch needle three or four times. "Just give me the drugs!!!" Ha Ha!

After the class was over, we all went on a tour of the floor we would be on and it seems very nice. Each birthing room is huge and has a jacuzzi tub for mom. Brian loved the big fluffy recliner chair for him. The hospital we will be at is call Mountain View Hospital. It looks like each room has a nice view of the hills, hence the name.

Besides the class today. I had another follow up appointment with my doctor and she said everything is going great. Baby is in a good position and her hearbeat is at 150. So she has a perfect heartbeat and I will have another follow up in 2 weeks. Then after that next appointment, I have to go every week.

Starting Friday, my general manager of the hotel left for the weekend and monday to fly out of state for vacation. Before she left, she said that I am in charge for time she is gone. Oh god! This weekend was going to be so busy and on friday I worked from 7am-6pm and three of those hours were not paid because of overtime is not available. I could have certainly left at 3pm to make it only an 8 hour day, but I'm too much of a workaholic and I love everyone I work with so I couldn't leave knowing some things could be done during the time I was there. After I finally pulled myself away from the hotel on friday, I had to get home change and then Brian and I met some friends at Johnny Carinos for supper. When we got to the restaurant, I realized "hmmm, I haven't had lunch today. Only breakfast!" Uh oh. So, Brian and I did the special of "two can dine for $19.99." Which included unlimited soup, salad, and bread. Oooooh, my. I had never ate so fast! I ate two salad's and kept the bread coming until my entree' and then dessert. Wow, was baby and I ready for bed after that. So I finally get home on friday by 9:30pm and Brian went out to a movie with the guys. They wanted me to come with to see "The Watchmen." Um ya, that wasn't happening. I went straight home and crashed! I have never slept so well. When saturday morning came, I didn't want to get out of bed. Our class started at 9am and I still had to get to the hotel in the morning to check on things. I could have just called and asked how things were going and if they needed me to come in, but I had to get payroll out for this week. I also had to check on my group that was checked in and more to arrive today. Ugh. After the class today, I came home and slept for three hours. What a long weekend already.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today when Brian and I went to church, the priest was talking about responsibilty. He started to talk about when we or our children are Baptised. As I was listening to him speak ahout how we as parents take on the responsibilty of our children to be baptised and to raise them, I started to think about home again and how much I miss it. Then the baby decided to kick me. I think she was trying to tell me not to let my mind wonder and to pay attention. So when the priest was still talking more and more on the importance of baptism and our "resposibilty" during Lent, I figured this could be a sign to get home. ha ha

Brian and I have been talking more about coming home for our little one's baptism and have it at the church we were married in. We just need to get going on the arrangments back home if we do decide to go home. Last minute plans are always fun. Ugh. Anyway, I think it would be nice to do the Baptism and then if weather permits, I would like to do a picnic afterwards or just hangout at the grandparents house. I'm not sure but whatever we would do after would be fun either way. I know a picnic at a park would be nice so the cousins can run out on the playground or family could play some frisbee or something.

Other than the Baptism, we haven't been doing much lately. We went to the movie "Slumdog Millionaire." I loved this movie. I would go see it again and I'll probably buy it when it comes out on DVD. I've been looking for some more recipes to try so we have more meals with fresh ingredients instead of so many frozen meals. I made a potato/bacon soup today with homemade cornbread. Both were very easy and not too bad. My next fresh recipe to make is probably going to be Orange Sesame stir fry or Baked Talipia with homemade dip sauce. I better save the fish for friday. :-)

I was going to take some more pictures today but I was cleaning all afternoon and the picture would have been aweful. Yes I know mom and dad..........I'll get some photos posted soon. Love you all and I will get some photos of me and baby and some things I got for the nursery posted soon.