Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nice Night out.

Yesturday when I came home, Brian said to clear my schedule and don't plan to go anywhere the rest of the evening. Hmmmm. I asked what he was up to and he said it's a surprise and be sure to wear something nice. I really don't like surprises for some reason so I was a little antsy until we had to leave.
Anyway, we ended up going to Ruby River Steakhouse for a nice big dinner and then he surprised me , by taking me to the Idaho Falls Symphony. The entire sypmphony was based on the music by a composer who loved astronomy as well. So it was called "The I.F Symphony, The Planets."
The music was choreographed with a projecter screen showing pictures of the planets, space, and of course showing old footage of rocket missions. Quite a few people brought their kids with, because during intermission they had a place upstairs for kids to look at planet displays and talk to some people from INL. We decided to check out the display upstairs and when found it; the entire display was from brian's job! The CSNR (Center for Space Nuclear Research) was telling all about what they have in mind for the future of space exploration. Brian had no idea his boss had planned this and was a little dissappointed that he couldn't take part in it. Poor guy. But we had fun visiting with his boss and I haven't seen his wife in awhile and a few other people I wanted to visit with. As I surveyed the room of couples with the CSNR I had to laugh and think, "I guess this is the only way to get our husband's to a symphony or nice evening out? If it involves space, planets, & rockets; they are sooo there."
We still had a wonderful night out, otherwise we would have been at home doing nothing. Besides, I put in alot of overtime last week and I got a nice paycheck. I was so proud of it because it didn't seem like I put that much extra time in. I guess I'm really loving my job that I don't notice how much time I really have been working. So, with a little extra cash in our pockets we went out.
Oh, I also got my test results back from the blood test. This test was for any indication of birth defects or possible down syndrome. I have to report that all is well and everything came back normal. So another reason to go out and spoil ourselves. :)


Laurie said...

Awww How nice :)

Jennifer said...

When I first read that you were supposed to clear your schedule and wear something nice, I too was curious to find out what the heck he was up to as well...and once I read it was a symphony all about planets I was rolling...of course Brian would make it seem like it is something special for YOU...he kills me.