Saturday, November 29, 2008

My first Baby blankie.

I made a blanket for our little girl and I think it turned out well. I wanted to start making things for baby and I really want to work my way up to making a baby quilt. Brian got me a sewing machine awhile ago and I still have more material to buy. I think I'll make another "critter blanket." I have some more ideas down the road.

Baby making her first apperance.

Here's our little one. I finally got a picture scanned in and posted. I really like this picture because you can see her mouth, nose and she's got her hand raised on the side of her face. I think she's either waving hello or trying to hide from having her picture taken. Unless she takes after her daddy and she could be saluting?
This is the first ultrasound Brian has seen and I think he was speechless for awhile. He just kept saying "wow, look at that." He was amazed to see how big baby is and how she's settled in. I almost got a little emotional because it was so beautiful. I had seen our first ultrasound before and heard the baby's heartbeat already so I sort of knew what to expect, or so I thought. I couldn't believe how much the baby has grown. I loved seeing the baby's heartbeat and finding out other details of how she's doing. The doctor said she's doing wonderful and everything looks great! She said she didn't see anything to be concerned about and the baby looks very healthy.
The lady doing the ultrasound kept asking me if she pushing on my stomach to hard ,and she honestly wasn't at all. Until we wanted to get the baby to turn over, the doctor decided to tap really hard on my stomach and say "come on now,stop kicking me you cutie." I think I wanted to hit her. Why do you think our "cutie" keeps kicking you and meee?? Geee, I wonder. I felt fine during and then after the ultrasound and we got lots of pictures. We even got the ultrasound recorded onto a dvd. Right after, I had to go to my regular check up with our doctor and then to the grocery store after that. Whew! What a busy day. I think it was to much in one day for baby. By the time I was halfway done with grocery shopping for thanksgiving, I had the worse stomach cramps. I thought I was going to throw up. The grocery store was so un-believably busy and I was ready to hurt someone because they were all in my way and I wanted to cry at one point because it hurt so much and I wanted to get my stuff and get home asap! I think baby was paying me back from the pushing and tapping on the stomach. I finally got home from work, doctor appointments and grocery shopping around 8:30pm. I put all the grocery's away and went straight to bed. I never slept so well. I didn't have to work until 9am the next day but I could have slept until noon the next morning.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Nice Night out.

Yesturday when I came home, Brian said to clear my schedule and don't plan to go anywhere the rest of the evening. Hmmmm. I asked what he was up to and he said it's a surprise and be sure to wear something nice. I really don't like surprises for some reason so I was a little antsy until we had to leave.
Anyway, we ended up going to Ruby River Steakhouse for a nice big dinner and then he surprised me , by taking me to the Idaho Falls Symphony. The entire sypmphony was based on the music by a composer who loved astronomy as well. So it was called "The I.F Symphony, The Planets."
The music was choreographed with a projecter screen showing pictures of the planets, space, and of course showing old footage of rocket missions. Quite a few people brought their kids with, because during intermission they had a place upstairs for kids to look at planet displays and talk to some people from INL. We decided to check out the display upstairs and when found it; the entire display was from brian's job! The CSNR (Center for Space Nuclear Research) was telling all about what they have in mind for the future of space exploration. Brian had no idea his boss had planned this and was a little dissappointed that he couldn't take part in it. Poor guy. But we had fun visiting with his boss and I haven't seen his wife in awhile and a few other people I wanted to visit with. As I surveyed the room of couples with the CSNR I had to laugh and think, "I guess this is the only way to get our husband's to a symphony or nice evening out? If it involves space, planets, & rockets; they are sooo there."
We still had a wonderful night out, otherwise we would have been at home doing nothing. Besides, I put in alot of overtime last week and I got a nice paycheck. I was so proud of it because it didn't seem like I put that much extra time in. I guess I'm really loving my job that I don't notice how much time I really have been working. So, with a little extra cash in our pockets we went out.
Oh, I also got my test results back from the blood test. This test was for any indication of birth defects or possible down syndrome. I have to report that all is well and everything came back normal. So another reason to go out and spoil ourselves. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

After hearing that Barak Obama will be our next president. I stopped for a second and thought, wow, our baby will be coming into the world in a big historic event. After being so busy at work today, I zipped out of work and went to 4 gas stations, 2 grocery store's and then Barnes and Noble to find a single newspaper to put with baby's things. Not a single one in sight. I guess I'll have to get a newspaper tommarow or another day. Maybe when he's taking his oath into the presidency, then I'll have too be sure get that next days paper.
I know mom and dad kept some things for us, when we were born. I want to do the same thing for our kids. So I think this years election will have to go with the baby's stuff, or in the "What happened folder when you were born."
I might have to find a nice box to decorate and a binder of some sort to do some kind of scrapbooking to put everything together. Hmmmm. Ideas are forming and I'm getting excited.