Saturday, November 6, 2010

Monkey Business.

Getting tickled.

Mmmmm, pudding! Yum! Daddy was having fun putting some on her nose.
Grandma Johnson's blue glass dessert cups. I remember having pudding in these as a child for a nice dessert. :)
McDonald's playplace tunnels.

Here are some Heidi's "I caught you pics," of her climbing all over. In this one I think we might have the t.v to high up for her?
Not sure where she was going with this?
"Oh hi mommy."
"So why does the kitty like to lay up here?"
I heard giggles in Heidi's room and I couldn't find her until I saw this. She found a toy under her bed and I guess was comfortable like this. What a silly girl! I was laughing so hard because all I see is feet and her butt sticking out and all I heard was laughter and talking from under the bed.

Heidi and our friend's cat 'Millie'. Millie later jumped in Heidi's bucket and Heidi stormed over and tried to get her out.
At Rob and Sarah's house. Rob asked to take a few more suckers so she did, and kept taking more to fill her bucket up. What a candy thief.

Heidi is becoming quite the little monkey lately. I really need to keep an eye on her. I have caught her dancing on our coffee table, dining table and now she knows if she pushes a chair against something she wants to get to, she'll climb on the chair and get to what she wanted. I can't even leave the room to put a load of laundry in! She's so quick!
We have been staying busy around here. I have been getting really crafty and I think I am trying to do to many projects at once. I have so much I want to do. A lot of fun ideas but when to fit them all in is something else. I recently made Heidi a scarf and mittens out of some cute fleece material I found and it only cost $2.00! What a deal. I'm also making some other things and I will get them posted when I get a chance.

I brought Heidi to the Mcdonald's playplace and she loved it! At first she wasn't sure what she was suppose to do and the big tunnels looked a little scary. But Mommy was allowed to go in with her and then we had so much fun! Heidi loved looking out the little plastic windows and looking down at our friend Melissa to wave too. Of course she didn't want to leave but when she got home later, she was pretty tired. All that climbing on little legs!


Stacy said...

Cute pictures! Kids learn the Halloween routine pretty fast don't they? Hope you had fun!

Unknown said...

Hehehe, hiding under the crib entertaining herself smh