Thursday, October 14, 2010

Never a dull moment.

Heidi's fort. Two A/C boxes put together= fun!
"No Boys Allowed."
Chocolate fest! Starting with a dirt cup. mmmmmm.
Next stop at chocolate fest, cake!
Then finished off with a sucker.
Mommy's favorite spot. Ohhhh, YUM!
Heidi helping me pick apples out for apple pie.
Mommy, look what I can do!
Heidi wants to help daddy bottle beer.

We recently went to Chocolate fest in town and had a good time. Heidi sure loved all the treats she was getting. She deserved all the little bites of chocolate we gave her. She has been such a good girl that week and what a special treat for her! Heidi is loving to show off for everyone with her dancing and how she shakes her tush. We are still working on the worm. I'm so excited for Halloween with Heidi. Since this will be our first Halloween together. This year, Heidi is going as a Hershey's Kiss because she's so sweet. Ooooohh.

We haven't been doing much else lately. Brian moved the t.v and mounted it above the fireplace. When Heidi woke up the following day after Brian had everything switched I told her, "Elmo should be on now, let's turn the tv on?" Heidi looked up to where the tv used to be and she looked at me with her palms in the air and went "ooooohhhhh!" She started telling me in her own language that the tv is missing! I told her to look above the fireplace, showing her where to look and she gaspped. What a silly girl. As I was making her breakfast and she was (what I thought) watching Elmo's world, I looked over and there she was, standing on the coffee table! What a monkey! I told her to get down and she proceeded to tell me a story of how she is queen of the coffee table or something to the point of, I'm not getting down. I tried to tell her with a serious face to get down or she's going to hurt herself, but I cracked because she just had a story to tell. I think she will be taking Debate class in school. We kept going back & forth with each other and it was just to funny. Guess who won? Stinker. I know, I'm weak.

Heidi helped me with making a Apple Pie. She was more interested in taking the apples out of the apple barrel that grandpa and grandma sent over. One of friends who came over even thought the apple basket was pretty neat! Who ever really see's them anymore? Anyway, the apple pie was ok. I don't think I cut the shortening into the flour as good as I should have, but it was still alright. Brian said he sure liked it. I can make a really good cheesecake,but I think I will leave the Apple Pie's to aunt Laurie.

Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Gross and the dance cd they made for Heidi and the new music toy she has; Heidi never will slow down. She is a dancing nut! She really loves it when we have company at the house or we go visit someone and she will start dancing even if there is no music. I think she is figuring out that she knows how to get attention and she likes to show off her dance moves. She's always going.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the no boys allowed hehe. And omg CHOCOLATE!