Tuesday, September 28, 2010

.....8, 9, 10. Ready or not here I come! Where could daddy be?

Looking for fishies.

So happy to see daddy on lunch break.


Heidi's 'oh really?' look.

Fun little bridge along the river.

Drinking out of the hose is fun!

Heidi is helping me wash the car.

Heidi dancing with her reflection in the stove.

We have been enjoying this week's weather while it's still in the 70-80 degree temps. We recently went to the Oktoberfest that our church was having and Heidi loved it. She loves the polka music and there is a nice park for her to run around.

Today I went on a 7 mile bike ride to the river for heidi and I to go feed the ducks and squirrels. Brian met us for a picinic and Heidi had so much fun! She loves to be at the park. A nice change of pace from our backyard or just to get out of the house. Poor girl was having so much fun and so excited, she slept the entire bike ride back to the house. I think she is going to have a nice nap. I think I could also use a nap.

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