Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter!

Don't leave baby alone for even two minutes with oatmeal in reach. Not good.
Heidi loves to hug the kitty.
Ooooh, aaaah, bunny.

The "Big Kid" (brian) easter basket.
Heidi's basket.
My new two layer chocolate cake. Soooo goood!
Heidi helping mommy with easter eggs.

I liked this picture of victoria. so pretty laying in the sun.

We had a nice easter. Heidi's new tooth was really bugging her and she was a little fussy and not sleeping well. But she still had some fun with her new books and toys. She loves to give her bunny hugs and to play with it. She likes to grab the bunny and bounce it up and down just like when we tell her the bunny "bounces, up and down, or bouncy, bouncy." She loves it. I had cleaned the entire the living room of her toys so she would see her basket in the morning. When she woke up and we walked to the living room together she pointed and went "oooooh!!" She did a little scream and I was laughing so hard. I didn't think she would notice or care that much. But she had fun digging in the basket at the new toys. The easter bunny left her some Little People characters and they were in large eggs for her to open to find them. Heid also got some books, new bath toys, and a bunny stuffed animal. And many, many easter eggs to throw at the kitty or mommy. Victoria even likes to bat around the easter eggs around the kitchen floor. So everyone had some fun! Brian even got a easter basket full of star wars stickers, a space shuttle toy, favorite candy bars of his;butterfinger's, Sherlock Holmes movie, and a sheep egg (he never liked sheep from growing up on the farm, so a long running joke I play on him). After our easter basket fun, I started a nice dinner I wanted to make for our first easter as a family. I decided to make some BBQ ribs in the slow cooker, coleslaw, fried potatos, and a two layer chocolate cake for dessert. The ribs recipe was very good and I will try to remember to get it posted soon. Such a great flavor and the chocolate cake was to die for. What a great relaxing day with great food.


Stacy said...

ohhh, cute pictures.

I was looking at the cake recipe. Did you use safflower oil that was called for or just oil that you had on hand? I'm not sure I want to buy safflower oil for one recipe. Unless it's as good as you say, then maybe I'll be making it all the time!

Meredith said...

Not much oatmeal on Heidi!

Kelly said...

I did use the safflower oil. I wasn't sure what the difference was from regular oil so I bought a small container of it. It did turn out great & I think I will make it again and I might search out more recipes that call for this oil to use it more. The cake is rich, so I'm not sure exactly how often I will be making it.