Monday, November 8, 2010

Hugs N' Kisses

I remember when I was little, before bedtime we always gave mom and dad a hug and kiss goodnight. Now I'm teaching it to our little one and tonight Heidi, just about put tears in our eyes. She is getting so big. Each night for the last month or two, Heidi gets her fun bathtime, snack before bed, and then when I tell her it's bedtime, I make sure she gives daddy a hug and kiss.
Tonight, Brian was working downstairs and Heidi and I were by the staircase. I told Heidi to tell daddy to come upstairs because it's bedtime. She then kept saying "daddy" very clearly this time. When Brian heard "daddy" being called very clearly, I think his heart melted as did mine. Brian came upstairs and I said again "it's bedtime." She went over to daddy and gave him a hug and then brian asked for a kiss and he got one. She then turned around and headed down the hall to her bedroom while waving to daddy goodnight with one hand, and the other has her thumb in her mouth.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Monkey Business.

Getting tickled.

Mmmmm, pudding! Yum! Daddy was having fun putting some on her nose.
Grandma Johnson's blue glass dessert cups. I remember having pudding in these as a child for a nice dessert. :)
McDonald's playplace tunnels.

Here are some Heidi's "I caught you pics," of her climbing all over. In this one I think we might have the t.v to high up for her?
Not sure where she was going with this?
"Oh hi mommy."
"So why does the kitty like to lay up here?"
I heard giggles in Heidi's room and I couldn't find her until I saw this. She found a toy under her bed and I guess was comfortable like this. What a silly girl! I was laughing so hard because all I see is feet and her butt sticking out and all I heard was laughter and talking from under the bed.

Heidi and our friend's cat 'Millie'. Millie later jumped in Heidi's bucket and Heidi stormed over and tried to get her out.
At Rob and Sarah's house. Rob asked to take a few more suckers so she did, and kept taking more to fill her bucket up. What a candy thief.

Heidi is becoming quite the little monkey lately. I really need to keep an eye on her. I have caught her dancing on our coffee table, dining table and now she knows if she pushes a chair against something she wants to get to, she'll climb on the chair and get to what she wanted. I can't even leave the room to put a load of laundry in! She's so quick!
We have been staying busy around here. I have been getting really crafty and I think I am trying to do to many projects at once. I have so much I want to do. A lot of fun ideas but when to fit them all in is something else. I recently made Heidi a scarf and mittens out of some cute fleece material I found and it only cost $2.00! What a deal. I'm also making some other things and I will get them posted when I get a chance.

I brought Heidi to the Mcdonald's playplace and she loved it! At first she wasn't sure what she was suppose to do and the big tunnels looked a little scary. But Mommy was allowed to go in with her and then we had so much fun! Heidi loved looking out the little plastic windows and looking down at our friend Melissa to wave too. Of course she didn't want to leave but when she got home later, she was pretty tired. All that climbing on little legs!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Never a dull moment.

Heidi's fort. Two A/C boxes put together= fun!
"No Boys Allowed."
Chocolate fest! Starting with a dirt cup. mmmmmm.
Next stop at chocolate fest, cake!
Then finished off with a sucker.
Mommy's favorite spot. Ohhhh, YUM!
Heidi helping me pick apples out for apple pie.
Mommy, look what I can do!
Heidi wants to help daddy bottle beer.

We recently went to Chocolate fest in town and had a good time. Heidi sure loved all the treats she was getting. She deserved all the little bites of chocolate we gave her. She has been such a good girl that week and what a special treat for her! Heidi is loving to show off for everyone with her dancing and how she shakes her tush. We are still working on the worm. I'm so excited for Halloween with Heidi. Since this will be our first Halloween together. This year, Heidi is going as a Hershey's Kiss because she's so sweet. Ooooohh.

We haven't been doing much else lately. Brian moved the t.v and mounted it above the fireplace. When Heidi woke up the following day after Brian had everything switched I told her, "Elmo should be on now, let's turn the tv on?" Heidi looked up to where the tv used to be and she looked at me with her palms in the air and went "ooooohhhhh!" She started telling me in her own language that the tv is missing! I told her to look above the fireplace, showing her where to look and she gaspped. What a silly girl. As I was making her breakfast and she was (what I thought) watching Elmo's world, I looked over and there she was, standing on the coffee table! What a monkey! I told her to get down and she proceeded to tell me a story of how she is queen of the coffee table or something to the point of, I'm not getting down. I tried to tell her with a serious face to get down or she's going to hurt herself, but I cracked because she just had a story to tell. I think she will be taking Debate class in school. We kept going back & forth with each other and it was just to funny. Guess who won? Stinker. I know, I'm weak.

Heidi helped me with making a Apple Pie. She was more interested in taking the apples out of the apple barrel that grandpa and grandma sent over. One of friends who came over even thought the apple basket was pretty neat! Who ever really see's them anymore? Anyway, the apple pie was ok. I don't think I cut the shortening into the flour as good as I should have, but it was still alright. Brian said he sure liked it. I can make a really good cheesecake,but I think I will leave the Apple Pie's to aunt Laurie.

Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Gross and the dance cd they made for Heidi and the new music toy she has; Heidi never will slow down. She is a dancing nut! She really loves it when we have company at the house or we go visit someone and she will start dancing even if there is no music. I think she is figuring out that she knows how to get attention and she likes to show off her dance moves. She's always going.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

.....8, 9, 10. Ready or not here I come! Where could daddy be?

Looking for fishies.

So happy to see daddy on lunch break.


Heidi's 'oh really?' look.

Fun little bridge along the river.

Drinking out of the hose is fun!

Heidi is helping me wash the car.

Heidi dancing with her reflection in the stove.

We have been enjoying this week's weather while it's still in the 70-80 degree temps. We recently went to the Oktoberfest that our church was having and Heidi loved it. She loves the polka music and there is a nice park for her to run around.

Today I went on a 7 mile bike ride to the river for heidi and I to go feed the ducks and squirrels. Brian met us for a picinic and Heidi had so much fun! She loves to be at the park. A nice change of pace from our backyard or just to get out of the house. Poor girl was having so much fun and so excited, she slept the entire bike ride back to the house. I think she is going to have a nice nap. I think I could also use a nap.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Fun.

Today Heidi let me fix her hair and she even kept her hair clips in until we had to get in the car a few hours later.

Went to the river to feed the ducks. Heidi loves to throw the bread pieces and say "Duckieeee!"

Taking cover after a swan came over to get something to eat. They will come right up to your hand if offered. One actually tried to get some from me when I wasn't paying attention.

I couldn't get Heidi to smile or look at the camera so I said "Squirrel!" And she loves squirrels at the park because they like to be fed also. So here is Heidi's squirrel face.

Some of the falls we sat near to feed the ducks. Our favorite spot.