Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cute Heidi moments.

Little Feet.

Dress up time at Grandpa & Grandma Seeberg's.
Look uncle Mark, I can fly too!
What a Smile!
So much to talk about.
Grandpa Seeberg showing the toy room. Ooooh what fun!
Wonder what they are talking about?
I love this picture.
Trying to get this crawling thing going.
What is grandpa and grandma's phone number again?

Doing evening push-up's with daddy.
Grandma and Heidi having some fun time together. So happy!
Grandma gross and Heidi looking for squirrel's.

What a sweet picture. The morning Heidi is going home to Idaho. :(


Meredith said...

Tell Heidi our phone number is 255-7645

Laurie said...

Cute pics! Is she ever grumpy?? haha