Monday, July 27, 2009

Nice Relaxing Weekend.

The moment grandma and grandpa arrived and picked up Heidi, daddy and I needed to release some energy and beat-up each other. It was fun.
I woke up to find Daddy & Heidi watching the sports channel and had old clips from girls sand volleyball during the Olympics. (I'm sure daddy was watching for different reasons.)
Duck pool! "I'll get that frog sooner or later!"
Grandpa & Daddy taste testing daddy's first brew.
I love this picture. We thought she might want another bottle so I made her one and then had it ready for grandma to give her. Looks like she passed out from the effort of trying to reach for it. (She actually fell asleep as soon as I came back with a bottle, we didn't tease her.)
So happy!
Heidi loves her plastic filled duck pool. Plastic screen on top so she can just play around without getting wet. She likes to try to grab the toys inside.
Heidi and Gingham taking some time to chat together.
Visiting daddy's new work building.
Visiting Daddy at work.
Heidi loves to suck her thumb only at night to sleep or take a nap.
Daddy learning how to play the guitar. Notice the crowd differance from the pictures below?
The music stopped!
Grandma and Heidi enjoying the music at the BBQ.
Daddy and grandpa enjoys some music at the BBQ.
Toe time or feet playing time with grandma.
Grandma & Heidi having fun with toe-time. Toes to the mouth are so funny!

We had a nice weekend. Grandpa and Grandma Gross came to visit for the weekend and it was so nice to see them again. Heidi had so much fun with them. She was sure laughing alot and she had a busy weekend with everyone. We had a nice BBQ we went to on saturday to visit with some daddy's co-workers and summer interns this year. Grandpa and daddy were singing some songs with Rapheal who plays the guitar. Rapheal and his wife hosted the party and he plays the guitar and had some music going most of the time. Heidi loved to watch and hear all the music.

I had to work on saturday most of the afternoon to the evening because I had a big group coming into the hotel and I had to be there. But it was so great to go home to family and then relax. Grandma and I went shopping to find some new clearance items to help make room for the stores fall stuff coming in. :) I can't wait for the kids pools and outdoor summer things to go on clearance for Heidi next year. She will want to be outside all the time in the pool or playing so I can't wait to bargin shop for her for next year. We also relaxed on Sunday and didn't do much. Brian and I should have had our own collection basket during church for how many times people stopped us and said how precious or cute Heidi is and how we are such a beautiful family. So many nice people around here. I think I will bring Heidi's piggy bank to church next with a note taped on this side reading "Cute comments for a $1." or "To cute to comment for free, only .25 cents. "

1 comment:

Laurie said...

cute pictures! She's grown so much already!