Sunday, July 12, 2009

Brian and I went to look at Rob & Sarah's house this weekend. They are currently renting it but will buy it later on. We also looked at a house 2 homes away from them and we are excited about it. The basement is not done yet and some of the yard still needs to be finished. The first two pictures are the inside of rob's house, then the picture of the house from the outside is our home we looked at. The inside pictures of rob's home is very similiar to what our house would look like but only in maple wood, not cherry wood. The house is in a new sub-division and it's a very quiet area. There is a very large potato farm not far behind our home's so, there won't be anyone behind us anytime soon. The subdivision, is also looking into building a big park area and we would also be within walking distance to the zoo. If you look out of our living room window and our front patio or our back deck, you can see the mountains and foothills. It would look so gorgeous in the winter. The house currently has 3 bedrooms upstairs and then if we finish the basement, there could be another 2 or 3 downstairs with another bathroom. We are still waiting to hear from our bank to see what our mortgage payments will be. I'm so excited and this house is at a really good price for it not even being a year old. The builder said he is very motivated to get it sold and we I think we could talk them down to a lower price. I hope we hear from our bnk soon.
This weekend, Brian, Heidi and I went to the zoo to get out to walk a little. Heidi did so well. We finally saw the penguins playing and then the otters this time were sleeping. We had some nice weather all weekend and we haven't been doing much of anything. All three of us are just relaxing and being couch potato's most of the time. It feels nice to take it easy. Heidi is cooing more and more lately. She loves to be up all afternoon if she can. She really fights falling asleep when she knows she's tired. She loves to look around and try to talk. She still does great with her nights. She knows when it's bedtime when she gets her bath each night. She sleeps through the night more often and maybe 3 times during the week she will wake up once in the middle of the night. She is doing so well and she's getting cuter and cuter each day.


Stacy said...

She is talking a lot. Cute video.

Laurie said...

I'm glad you're finding some time to relax :)

Lots of exciting things happening!