Sunday, February 1, 2009

SuperBowl Sunday

This weekend I decided to go shopping for some new shirts for work. I'm finding that my current shirts are getting tighter by the week. Before I was pregnant, I had a hard time finding clothes that fit nicely because I'm either to pickey or the sleeves on the shirts are too short. So, I started my adventure at Target and I wasn't too excited to shop so I'm a little bummed already. I found about six shirts to try on and as I was trying them on as fast as possible to get out of the fitting room, because I didn't want to hear the tween's, a few stalls down with their "like oh my god's," "totally," "no way," speaking. I'm almost done with the shirts that are not fitting and I'm getting a little depressed that it's getting harder to find something decent for work. And then I hear from the tween's a few stalls down "Oh my god, this is soo not fitting me, I look like a big fat prego." I wanted to go over there and knock one of them in the head. So, I did find two nice shirts and they didn't really bum me out any further, I just needed to get out of there. I also found some other things that I want to go back for so it was a nice day aside from the tweeny girls in the fitting room with thier "valley girl" lingo and their fake british accents they were trying to do.
For Superbowl 43 we invited a few friends over for some dinner and games. On the menu for today is BBQ Pulled pork, BBQ Beans, 7-Layer Salad, and Apple Pie. I think it's going to be good, I cant' wait for everything to be done. The house smells so good.
I finally posted an up-dated picture of me and baby. Baby and I are doing great. She stills like to kick a lot at night. But, lately at work or just before I leave work I will have some pop and maybe a small cookie to wake her up and then get us through the afternoon. Then we can both sleep at night. Some days it doesn't work but the days it does work I love it. Then I can get some sleep.


Laurie said...

Aww You and baby look good!! :) Your pie looks delicious too!

Stacy said...

Cute baby bump! I think the pie looks good too. Sounds like a good Super Bowl party.