Sunday, January 11, 2009

Today I decided to start doing some cleaning and re-organizing the house a bit. I want to get our house in more order before the baby arrives or I think I would absolutly go crazy. I already go crazy right now when I can't find something. So far this project has been going on since we came home from Christmas vacation. I told Brian that I'm to ansy to wait for a baby bedroom set so we have to go to walmart and look. So we finally picked something up, and soon to be daddy was up until about 12-1am putting everything together while I was still sorting through some old boxes I found.

I'll take some photos soon of baby and I. After 3 christmas dinners back home, I think it helped baby with a growth spurt. I'm starting to get more of a baby bump, more now that a person can notice it. I had to finally buy new jeans and some of my work shirts are getting a little small in front. :-) I can start feeling her move around more now also. I think I have a night owl on my hands. I've been having a hard time sleeping at night because she's moving around so much or I just can't get comfortable. I think baby is doing jumping jacks at night so I'll have to look into gymnastics someday for her.

Today I used Grandma Johnson's standing mixer to make mini cheesecakes. I love it! While the cheesecake was mixing, I could step away and get something else ready and so on. I can't wait to use it again. Next weekend we are going to Jackson Hole to rent a cabin with some friends. Our friend John just turned 30 and he wanted to go there for his birthday to hangout. So we are going to rent a cabin for the night and play boardgames, eat, and they will drink. I think I will make some baked stuff with my new mixer. :-) When I was useing grandma's mixer I thought briefly about my new little girl in our life. I was thinking how neat that would be if my little girl would be a baker too and help mommy in the kitchen with her Great Grandma's mixer. Then I could hand it down to her later. I know that's thinking really ahead but it was just one of those random thoughts. I hope she helps me in the kitchen with baking because I thought it would be fun for her to help out with the Farmer's Market that I would like to do.

Last night was German night at our house. I was hungry for Kneopfla and Kraut and Brian was hungry for Fleischkeigla. So I decided to make both. I think they turned out alright. I got Brian's approval and he loved them. I also used my new fryer thanks to mom and dad. :-) It's a great fryer and is easy to use. I'm sure brian will be happy that we have a fryer and he will want Fleischkegla all the time now. Ugh.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

How did you get Grandma's standing mixer? I am so jealous.

I wish I could go to Jackson Hole with you. That sounds like fun.