Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Glucose day.

Today was the Glucose test day. I have one word for that test "YUCK!" I had to drink about an 8oz of sugar water to test my glucose level's and my iron level's. I describe the test as putting a cup of sugar in a can of already sweetend 7-up. Ewwwww.

Everything is fine on my gluscose test however my iron level is a little low. So I have a prescription to get it back up. My doctor said if I have been feeling really tired during the day and have a "worn out" feeling then it's because my iron level is too low. And that's exactly how it's been lately while I'm at work. So hopefully it gets a little better. I have been loosing some sleep with trying to get comfortable during the night and then with Brian's snoring, that doesn't help much either. Ha ha. Some nights are so bad that I keep tossing and turning, Brian and I have been sleeping in seperate rooms to get a goodnight's sleep. It's been a little weird sleeping in seperate rooms but one of us has been keeping each other up all night, so this way we tend to get a better nights sleep.

My Siatic nerve has been flaming up again and the other night at work it was so bad, my eyes started to water. It feels like a large pinch or someone just punched me in my side and I can feel the pain run down my leg. It can hurt to the point that I can't stand on my left side and I have to sit or I will fall over. Ugh. I'm going to see a massage therapist tommorow to possibly have it rubbed out really well, then I will see a chiropracter to have it checked out.

Baby is moving a lot more and I have some cramps on the top of my stomach. But the cramps haven't been that bad. The doctor said I am 28 weeks along and everything looks great. The baby's hearbeat is well. It's fun to feel her move more and more each day. I told the doctor that she loves to kick around late at night when I'm trying to sleep and asked what I could possibly do help that because I feel so tired at work and can't consintrate. She mentioned that if I don't feel her move for a few hours, drink a coke, juice or have something sugary then relax for a few minutes and try to lay on my back or even a little on my stomach for a few seconds and she will be wide awake. I thought that would be a good idea being she sleeps during the day and then loves to stay up all night doing sommersaults, jumping jacks or whatever. I guess I'll have to try it this week.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

Isn't that the worse test ever? I'd rather have my blood taken ten times over. I think i had low iron with all the kids too. Glad every thing is going well.