Tuesday, January 20, 2009

History made today.

Today history was made with our 44th president of the United States, Barak Obama. I think everyone will remember where or what they were doing while another part of history was made in our country. I was at work watching the Inaugaration and 28 weeks pregnant with our first child. I can't wait to get a newspaper tommorow morning to put in memory box for our little one. This is something that will absolutly have to be with her "what happened in your world when you were coming into it" box. I hope I can find a newspaper tommorow is the only thing that may be tough to get ahold of. We'll see what happens.

Glucose day.

Today was the Glucose test day. I have one word for that test "YUCK!" I had to drink about an 8oz of sugar water to test my glucose level's and my iron level's. I describe the test as putting a cup of sugar in a can of already sweetend 7-up. Ewwwww.

Everything is fine on my gluscose test however my iron level is a little low. So I have a prescription to get it back up. My doctor said if I have been feeling really tired during the day and have a "worn out" feeling then it's because my iron level is too low. And that's exactly how it's been lately while I'm at work. So hopefully it gets a little better. I have been loosing some sleep with trying to get comfortable during the night and then with Brian's snoring, that doesn't help much either. Ha ha. Some nights are so bad that I keep tossing and turning, Brian and I have been sleeping in seperate rooms to get a goodnight's sleep. It's been a little weird sleeping in seperate rooms but one of us has been keeping each other up all night, so this way we tend to get a better nights sleep.

My Siatic nerve has been flaming up again and the other night at work it was so bad, my eyes started to water. It feels like a large pinch or someone just punched me in my side and I can feel the pain run down my leg. It can hurt to the point that I can't stand on my left side and I have to sit or I will fall over. Ugh. I'm going to see a massage therapist tommorow to possibly have it rubbed out really well, then I will see a chiropracter to have it checked out.

Baby is moving a lot more and I have some cramps on the top of my stomach. But the cramps haven't been that bad. The doctor said I am 28 weeks along and everything looks great. The baby's hearbeat is well. It's fun to feel her move more and more each day. I told the doctor that she loves to kick around late at night when I'm trying to sleep and asked what I could possibly do help that because I feel so tired at work and can't consintrate. She mentioned that if I don't feel her move for a few hours, drink a coke, juice or have something sugary then relax for a few minutes and try to lay on my back or even a little on my stomach for a few seconds and she will be wide awake. I thought that would be a good idea being she sleeps during the day and then loves to stay up all night doing sommersaults, jumping jacks or whatever. I guess I'll have to try it this week.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The smaller crib is handed down to us. Soon to be daddy used to be in this crib. :-) Small pile of stuffed animals starting to the right on top of a small chest for toys.

I couldn't get this lighter but I got the shelf somewhat full. I have all of
our cartoon movies on the shelf and some pictures so far.

Dresser has a few things in it. Mostly the sleepers I got from the baby
shower and the duplicate sleepers were all different sizes. :-)

I have some cute hangers and they won't fit on the bar in the closet so
I decided to make them a picture hanger.

Soon to be daddy getting the changeing table ready. He was up pretty late. Thanks Honey!
I have some more things to do in the nursery as far as decorations. So I will post some more when it gets closer. So far I think we are somewhat off to a good start. :-)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Today I decided to start doing some cleaning and re-organizing the house a bit. I want to get our house in more order before the baby arrives or I think I would absolutly go crazy. I already go crazy right now when I can't find something. So far this project has been going on since we came home from Christmas vacation. I told Brian that I'm to ansy to wait for a baby bedroom set so we have to go to walmart and look. So we finally picked something up, and soon to be daddy was up until about 12-1am putting everything together while I was still sorting through some old boxes I found.

I'll take some photos soon of baby and I. After 3 christmas dinners back home, I think it helped baby with a growth spurt. I'm starting to get more of a baby bump, more now that a person can notice it. I had to finally buy new jeans and some of my work shirts are getting a little small in front. :-) I can start feeling her move around more now also. I think I have a night owl on my hands. I've been having a hard time sleeping at night because she's moving around so much or I just can't get comfortable. I think baby is doing jumping jacks at night so I'll have to look into gymnastics someday for her.

Today I used Grandma Johnson's standing mixer to make mini cheesecakes. I love it! While the cheesecake was mixing, I could step away and get something else ready and so on. I can't wait to use it again. Next weekend we are going to Jackson Hole to rent a cabin with some friends. Our friend John just turned 30 and he wanted to go there for his birthday to hangout. So we are going to rent a cabin for the night and play boardgames, eat, and they will drink. I think I will make some baked stuff with my new mixer. :-) When I was useing grandma's mixer I thought briefly about my new little girl in our life. I was thinking how neat that would be if my little girl would be a baker too and help mommy in the kitchen with her Great Grandma's mixer. Then I could hand it down to her later. I know that's thinking really ahead but it was just one of those random thoughts. I hope she helps me in the kitchen with baking because I thought it would be fun for her to help out with the Farmer's Market that I would like to do.

Last night was German night at our house. I was hungry for Kneopfla and Kraut and Brian was hungry for Fleischkeigla. So I decided to make both. I think they turned out alright. I got Brian's approval and he loved them. I also used my new fryer thanks to mom and dad. :-) It's a great fryer and is easy to use. I'm sure brian will be happy that we have a fryer and he will want Fleischkegla all the time now. Ugh.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I can't believe it's been almost a month since the last time I blogged in here! How this year has gone by so fast.
We had a wonderful Christmas vacation and it felt so wonderful to be home again with everyone. I guess I really didn't realize how home sick I was until I had to say goodbye to everyone again. Brian and I were talking non-stop about how much fun we had on our drive back to Idaho. Brian asked me if I had fun at the surprise baby shower and if I did suspect anything. I told him that I didn't even think about at all. That was the last thing on my mind lately. I remember the girls at my work and my boss asking me if they could put a baby shower together for me, but that was when I first told everyone that we are going to have a baby. So, it's been awhile since then.
I can't wait to see everyone again soon. I can't believe that in about 3 1/2 months we will have a little one in our lives. Brian and I went shopping the other day at Walmart and we picked up a baby bedroom set. I love it! It came with a crib, dresser and changing table. The color of the furniture is what I wanted also. All the pieces have a dark cherry wood color. Daddy had fun putting it all together. He needed to find something to do to keep his mind busy. :-)
While we were shopping at Walmart, I got a sudden side pain on my left side by my hip and I could feel it partially on my thigh. It hurt so much that I had to lean against something to get my composure together. I've started having this sharp pain down by my left hip since we came back from vacation and it acts up once in awhile. I had my routine check up yesturday and I asked my doctor what it could be because somedays it can really hurt. She said that when I was sitting for a long period of time, such as, driving 13 hours in a car, I may have in-flamed my Sciatic Nerve. The doctor also said if it doesn't start to improve later, then she has a few Chiropractor's names she can give me. Right now it's better but somedays it really does hurt and when it acts up at night, I usually need an extra hour to get to bed so, I can find a comfortable spot.
I'm starting to feel the baby move around a lot more and so is daddy. Brian likes to feel the stomach more often and always asks if she's on the move. He always says goodnight and good morning to her. How sweet.
Work has been going great! My New Year's resolution for this year is to be more productive at work and gain more sales than they made last year. So far so good on the more sales part. I'm hopeing I can get the hotel's revenue up this summer. My boss and owner ask me for advice on how I think we can help our customer service improve. I love that they come to me for help and additional advice on customer service and other topics of helping the hotel. I feel like an assistant general manager also. What a great team I have to work with. I think 2009 for our property will be fantastic.
So far our 2009 year is off to a great start for us of course with the new arrival. But with that, we are off to a great start financially. We have both our vehicles paid off and no credit card debt! We have left over money, even from the holidays and we are completely on the plus side of things. I know that might change for when baby is here for a bit but for now it's a wonderful feeling knowing that we don't have that extra debt or payments when baby arrives.
My 2009 resolution for myself is to learn some new quick recipes to make for dinners. I love to make supper at night and have a nice meal to sit down to but, it's always the same thing and nothing new and fun, so I want to find some more ideas. Also, get more crafty. I want to make a few things for baby before and after she's born.
I guess that's about it around here. I'll take a few photos of the Nursery soon and post them. I have it just about set up the way I like it so far and then I want to get more wall decor.
* So what's everyone else's New Year's Resolutions?