Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fun pictures from this week.

Daddy reading a book while Heidi finishes brushing her teeth.
Heidi was giggling while sasha visit's her in the tub.

Oh, brave sasha.

Air purifier is making Heidi's hair blow all over. She thought it was neat.

Mirror fun. "heidi, toothpaste isn't hair gel."

"Dang, my butt is so cute!"

High five!

This is how we brush our teeth.

"Hey beautiful!"

I love to give hugs. Even to myself. :)

Two trouble makers waiting on the third trouble maker (daddy).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Heidi trapped the kitty.

Heidi is learning some new things. Especially how to throw temper tantrums. She is getting into the time of trying to get what she wants by screaming and kicking. Just the last two weeks have been on and off screaming, and kicking while on the floor and trying to cry so much that her face turns red. At first I thought she was just frustrated with boredom maybe but, once she wanted something and I told her, no, she immediatly had her meltdown. I then figured out that we just need to walk away and pay no attention to her. I'm now figuring out a time out area for her. I can't put her in her room with all her toys, or the computer room when she loves to play with daddy's computer, or our room where she loves to explore. So I have a cute bench for her to sit in the corner now. We just need to stay consistant with it now.

Other than mis behaving, Heidi has been a sweetheart. She's been learning more and more. She is such a sponge right now. Most words she says now are, daddy, mommy, kitty, berry, car, ball, keys, juice, cheese, doggie, shoe, cookie, squirrel, and the number two. She is having so much fun learning new words. Heidi also loves to help out. If I'm in the kitchen doing something she wants to help or she gets mad. She likes to see what is going on and how to do it I think. So I think we will make Valentine's cake and cookies this weekend sometime.

This week we thought of Torii and his steelers. So Heidi helped cheer on the steelers for him. Sounds like it might have helped! :)

Last week, Heidi was watching Toy Story 3, again, and the movie came to the part of when Buzz is trapped under the clear plastic tote. While I was putting laundry away, and came back into the living room, Heidi was giggling and had the laundry basket tipped over. I thought she wanted to play the game we used to play together,where she leans over and falls into my arms. But as soon as I sat down next to her, I heard a faint meow. She trapped the poor cat. Then she was pushing the tipped over basket with the cat still inside all over in the living room floor. She is so silly! I couldn't believe that she just did that! Sometimes I wonder what she takes in now from movies.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Daddy's helper.
Smiling and squinting.
Heidi loves to help.
Heidi had so much fun with her new play mats.

My little dancer, so I made her a tu-tu. I still need to cut some length off.

I can't believe another christmas has gone by and SO fast! Looking back in all my pictures, it's crazy to see how much Heidi has grown. I have to many pictures I would love to post, but it would take days to do it. So maybe I'll post only a few of my favorite's. But it's going to be hard to choose. It was so great to see family together again. I know Heidi had so much fun with her cousins and she sure loves to play and dance with Cordelia. On Heidi's play date's in Idaho she usually gets boys to be stuck to play with, so it was nice to see her cousin cordelia. On our way to ND, I got us a hotel with a nice pool and we left as early as we could get out of town to go have some pool time. It was a nice treat after being in and out of the car in the cold for 6 hours. Heidi was so excited to go swimming. I didn't know if she would want to get dressed to go, but as soon as she figured out what was happening, she grabbed her floatie and headed for the door.

Heidi also had a great time playing with Riley in Napoleon. Another girl to play with! They were playing catch and just vising awhile. Grandpa gross even gave her a ride on a food cart for some fun.

Once again our car was very full going back to Idaho. Mostly, because grandma and grandpa seeberg let mommy play in the thier garage to find things. :) Mommy had fun. I think after a week back in Idaho, I am finally getting the house organized and laundry done. We also needed grocery's very badly, so lots to do when we came home. Heidi has really opened up more to talking after vacation. I have been trying to get her to brush her teeth better now and the other night she wouldn't let me help her. So then I asked her to show me her pretty smile and she did show me her biggest and cutest smile ever! And now she keeps doing it. It so cute.