Monday, November 8, 2010

Hugs N' Kisses

I remember when I was little, before bedtime we always gave mom and dad a hug and kiss goodnight. Now I'm teaching it to our little one and tonight Heidi, just about put tears in our eyes. She is getting so big. Each night for the last month or two, Heidi gets her fun bathtime, snack before bed, and then when I tell her it's bedtime, I make sure she gives daddy a hug and kiss.
Tonight, Brian was working downstairs and Heidi and I were by the staircase. I told Heidi to tell daddy to come upstairs because it's bedtime. She then kept saying "daddy" very clearly this time. When Brian heard "daddy" being called very clearly, I think his heart melted as did mine. Brian came upstairs and I said again "it's bedtime." She went over to daddy and gave him a hug and then brian asked for a kiss and he got one. She then turned around and headed down the hall to her bedroom while waving to daddy goodnight with one hand, and the other has her thumb in her mouth.


Stacy said...

Awwwwwww. Those moments make up for all the times your kids drive you absolutely crazy.

Meredith said...

How heart warming. Can't wait for my goodnight kisses and hugs.

Laurie said...

That is beyond precious! :)