Tuesday, September 28, 2010

.....8, 9, 10. Ready or not here I come! Where could daddy be?

Looking for fishies.

So happy to see daddy on lunch break.


Heidi's 'oh really?' look.

Fun little bridge along the river.

Drinking out of the hose is fun!

Heidi is helping me wash the car.

Heidi dancing with her reflection in the stove.

We have been enjoying this week's weather while it's still in the 70-80 degree temps. We recently went to the Oktoberfest that our church was having and Heidi loved it. She loves the polka music and there is a nice park for her to run around.

Today I went on a 7 mile bike ride to the river for heidi and I to go feed the ducks and squirrels. Brian met us for a picinic and Heidi had so much fun! She loves to be at the park. A nice change of pace from our backyard or just to get out of the house. Poor girl was having so much fun and so excited, she slept the entire bike ride back to the house. I think she is going to have a nice nap. I think I could also use a nap.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Fun.

Today Heidi let me fix her hair and she even kept her hair clips in until we had to get in the car a few hours later.

Went to the river to feed the ducks. Heidi loves to throw the bread pieces and say "Duckieeee!"

Taking cover after a swan came over to get something to eat. They will come right up to your hand if offered. One actually tried to get some from me when I wasn't paying attention.

I couldn't get Heidi to smile or look at the camera so I said "Squirrel!" And she loves squirrels at the park because they like to be fed also. So here is Heidi's squirrel face.

Some of the falls we sat near to feed the ducks. Our favorite spot.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Spending some time at the park.

Still having some nice days to enjoy.

My beautiful sunflowers finally blooming.

Heidi kept giving her boots to me, so we played dress up.
I think this cowgirl is tagging or branding the cat. Just in case the cat runs off. :P
Heidi on the stairs and I think she has the same smile as her cousin fred rion?

Heidi is now mastering going up and down the stairs. Our stairs are now her new jungle gym. I'm so glad she is able get up and down, but I still need to watch her closely because once in awhile she still wants to go forward and she loses her balance. She just won't grab onto the railing to hold on if she wants to learn to go forward like mommy and daddy.

Heidi was teething again last week with some new molars coming in and she wasn't well for about four days. Then all that energy was bottled up and now she is all over the place. It looks like she has a few more teeth to pop through further and then she should be done. Thank goodness! I don't like to see her in pain and being miserable.

Today Heidi and I went to wear off some energy at the park. We rode bike for about 2 1/2 miles and then ran around a really nice playground. I forgot to bring my camera and I think I would like to go back again this afternoon after Heidi's nap. Maybe we will stop at the zoo also. Heidi had so much fun and there were some neat things for Heidi to climb on.

Heidi also loves to put money in her piggy bank and just play with it. She knows how to take the money out of the bottom and then she will plug it back up and put the money back in it. She also grabbed daddy's wallet and took the dollar bills out to put into her piggy. We really didn't give it to her, she could reach it off of the desk and just grabbed it and ran off into her room. What a smarty pants! She even tried to put his credit card in it. Silly girl.